First Person Shooter
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (時空戦士テュロック)
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (時空戦士テュロック) is the first game in the Dinosaur shooting FPS series based on th…
GoldenEye 007 (ゴールデンアイ 007)
GoldenEye 007 (ゴールデンアイ 007) this is the rare game by Rare. It's a fairly common game in the US, bu…
SIMPLE 2000 Series Vol. 56 The Survival Game (THE サバイバルゲーム)
SIMPLE 2000 Series Vol. 56 The Survival Game (THE サバイバルゲーム) is a first person shooter for the PS2. …
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (エネミーテリトリー クエイクウォーズ)
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (エネミーテリトリー クエイクウォーズ) is a first person shooter and the first Quake game …
Perfect Dark (パーフェクトダーク)
Perfect Dark (パーフェクトダーク) this is the rare Japanese version of Perfect Dark. Plays the same as the U…
Violence Killer (バイオレンスキラー)
Violence Killer (バイオレンスキラー) might be the single best name for a video game ever. Way better than Tu…
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire (スターウォーズ 帝国の影)
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire (スターウォーズ 帝国の影) is a fantastic Star Wars game for the N64. A very ea…
Deadalus (ダイダロス)
Deadalus (ダイダロス) is a giant robot first person shooter. It was well received that time for it's gra…
Doom 64 (ドゥーム64)
Doom 64 (ドゥーム64) is an amazing original Doom game for the 64. Instead of bing a simple it added enh…
Tetsujin (鉄人)
Tetsujin (鉄人) is a super moody, creepy 1st person shooter for the 3DO. The game has been tested …
Project Minerva (プロジェクトミネルヴァ)
Project Minerva (プロジェクトミネルヴァ) is D3 trying to make a full-priced game out of a concept that would ma…
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire (スターウォーズ 帝国の影) [Boxed]
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire (スターウォーズ 帝国の影) is a fantastic Star Wars game for the N64. A very ea…
Halo (ヘイロー)
Halo (ヘイロー) is the Japanese version of the first game in the mega-hit Xbox franchise. The game ha…