PC Engine
Makai Hakkenden Shada (魔界八犬伝SHADA)
NOTE: The game works great but the spine is faded (see photos) so the price has been lowered accordi…
Doraemon Meikyu Daisakusen (ドラえもん迷宮大作戦) [HuCard Only]
Doraemon Meikyu Daisakusen (ドラえもん迷宮大作戦) is a trap 'em up maze game featuring the characters and musi…
Bomberman (ボンバーマン)
Bomberman (ボンバーマン) Bomberman is the first HuCard Bomberman and a ton of fun both in single and multi…
Power League (パワーリーグ) [HuCard Only]
Power League (パワーリーグ) is original PC Engine baseball game from Hudson. This game launched a very lo…
Pro Tennis World Court (プロテニスワールドコート)
Pro Tennis World Court (プロテニスワールドコート) is a solid update to the Family Tennis game on the famicom. G…
Super Momotaro Dentetsu (スーパー桃太郎電鉄) [HuCard only]
Super Momotaro Dentetsu (スーパー桃太郎電鉄) is a railroad monopoly game loosely based on Japanese folklore. …
Power League II (パワーリーグII)
Power League II (パワーリーグII) is the second PC Engine baseball game from Hudson. Great graphics for th…
Pro Yakyuu World Stadium (プロ野球ワールドスタジアム ) [HuCard Only]
Pro Yakyuu World Stadium (プロ野球ワールドスタジアム ) is a PC Engine version of the popular Family Stadium (Fami…
Victory Run (ビクトリーラン ―栄光の13,000キロ―)
Victory Run (ビクトリーラン ―栄光の13,000キロ― ) Is an endurance car racing game with upgradable and breakable …
Power League III (パワーリーグIII)
Power League III (パワーリーグIII) is the third PC Engine installment of Hudson's fun baseball series, Pow…
Fire Pro Wrestling 3 Legend Bout (ファイヤープロレスリング3 Legend Bout)
Fire Pro Wrestling 3 Legend Bout (ファイヤープロレスリング3 Legend Bout) is the 3rd and final HuCard Fire Pro Wr…
TV Sports Football (TVスポーツ・フットボール )
TV Sports Football (TVスポーツ・フットボール ) is n at the time impressive American Football game. Featuring E…
Wonder Momo (ワンダーモモ)
Wonder Momo (ワンダーモモ) is a great PC Engine exclusive port of the original Arcade game. You are Momo …
Samurai Ghost / Genpei Toumaden (源平討魔伝)
Genpei Toumaden (源平討魔伝) is a sid scrolling action game/hack and slash. It uses a variety of deferen…
Barunba (バルンバ)
NOTE: The game works great but the manual cover is faded (see photos) so the price has been lowered …
Jaseiken Necromancer (邪聖剣ネクロマンサー)
Jaseiken Necromancer (邪聖剣ネクロマンサー) is a dark, creepy and surprisingly bloody RPG that is considered o…
Pro Yakyuu World Stadium (プロ野球ワールドスタジアム)
Pro Yakyuu World Stadium (プロ野球ワールドスタジアム ) is a PC Engine version of the popular Family Stadium (Fami…
KLAX (クラックス)
"It is the 90's and there is time for KLAX" KLAX (クラックス) is an action puzzle game and a port of t…
Final Soldier (ファイナルソルジャー) [HuCard Only]
Final Soldier (ファイナルソルジャー) is the Japan-exclusive 3rd game in the Star Soldier series (After Star So…
Darius Plus (ダライアスプラス) [HuCard Only]
Darius Plus (ダライアスプラス) is a fun horizontal shooter and the only PC Engine game which will play on a …
Power Eleven (パワーイレブン)
Power Eleven (パワーイレブン) is a fun Soccer/Football game from Hudson. It is a sports game in the "Power…
Power League III (パワーリーグIII) [HuCard only]
Power League III (パワーリーグIII) is the third PC Engine installment of Hudson's fun baseball series, Pow…
Racing Spirits / Racing Damashii (レーシング魂)
Racing Spirits / Racing Damashii (レーシング魂) is a motorbike racing game from Irem similar to Hang-on. …
Cyber Dodge (サイバードッジ)
Cyber Dodge (サイバードッジ) is dodgeball but with robots. ROBOTS! You can play this game without knowin…
Doraemon Meikyu Daisakusen (ドラえもん迷宮大作戦)
Doraemon Meikyu Daisakusen (ドラえもん迷宮大作戦) is a trap 'em up maze game featuring the characters and mus…
NAXAT OPEN (ナグザット オープン)
NAXAT OPEN (ナグザット オープン) is a fun overhead golf game. You can play this game without knowing Japanes…
F1 Triple Battle (F1トリプルバトル )
F1 Triple Battle (F1トリプルバトル ) is a racing game by Human. Contains split screen multiplayer mode for…
Yokai Douchuki (妖怪道中記)
Yokai Douchuki (妖怪道中記) is a supernatural platform action game in the land of Oni and other Japanese …
Bonk's Adventure / PC Genjin (PC原人)
Bonk's Adventure / PC Genjin (PC原人) for a time Bonk was to PC Engine what Mario was to Nintendo and …
Super Momotaro Dentetsu II (SUPER桃太郎電鉄II)
Super Momotaro Dentetsu 2 (スーパー桃太郎電鉄II) is a railroad monopoly game loosely based on Japanese folklo…
NAXAT OPEN (ナグザット オープン) [HuCard Only]
NAXAT OPEN (ナグザット オープン) is a fun overhead golf game. You can play this game without knowing Japanes…
Bonk's Adventure / PC Genjin (PC原人) [HuCard Only]
Bonk's Adventure / PC Genjin (PC原人) for a time Bonk was to PC Engine what Mario was to Nintendo and …
Kyukyoku Tiger (究極TIGER)
Kyukyoku Tiger (究極TIGER) is a port of the hit arcade vertical shooter. Pilot your helicopter throug…
Street Fighter II' (Dash) Champion Edition (ストリートファイターII')
Street Fighter II' (Dash) Champion Edition (ストリートファイターII') is one of the final (and also the biggest…
Jinmu Densho (神武伝承)
Jinmu Densho (神武伝承) Have you ever been sitting there playing Space Harrier and thought to yourself "…
Lode Runner Lost Labyrinth (ロードランナー ロストラビリンス)
Lode Runner Lost Labyrinth (ロードランナー ロストラビリンス) is a Lode Runner port for the PC Engine. Its a bit ba…
Power League (パワーリーグ)
Power League (パワーリーグ) is first PC Engine baseball game from Hudson. It is also the fist game in the…
Galaga '88 (ギャラガ'88)
Galaga '88 (ギャラガ'88) is the 4th game in the legendary Galaga series and one of my all time favorite …
Appare Gate Ball (あっぱれ!ゲートボール)
Appare Gate Ball (あっぱれ!ゲートボール) is a PC Engine obscure sports game. OK, so there is a park near my h…
Space Harrier (スペースハリアー)
Space Harrier (スペースハリアー) Is a PC Engine port of the SEGA arcade classic. Non-stop action. Great fu…
Bomberman 93 (ボンバーマン’93)
Bomberman 93 (ボンバーマン’93) Bomberman 93 is a big improvement over the first HuCard Bomberman and a ton…
Space Invaders Fukkatsu No Hi (スペースインベーダーズ復活の日) [HuCard Only]
Space Invaders Fukkatsu No Hi (スペースインベーダーズ復活の日) is more than a simple Space Invaders port. It featu…
Sengoku Mahjong (戦国麻雀)
Sengoku Mahjong (戦国麻雀) let's you play the game of Mahjong against famous Japanese historical figures…
Titan (タイタン)
Titan (タイタン) is kind of like Breakout but with both an X and Y axis. There are also obstacles and l…
Bomberman 94 (ボンバーマン’94)
Bomberman 94 (ボンバーマン’94) A friend of mine once said, "There are 3 Types of people in this world. Pe…
Chibi Maruko-Chan: Quiz de Piihyara (ちびまる子ちゃん クイズでピーヒャラ)
Chibi Maruko-Chan: Quiz de Piihyara (ちびまる子ちゃん クイズでピーヒャラ) is a unique concept of platform action game…
Power League 93 (パワーリーグ93)
Power League 93 (パワーリーグ93) is the 6th, final and rarest PC Engine edition of the popular Hudson Soft…
Super Momotaro Dentetsu (スーパー桃太郎電鉄)
Note: The pages of the manual are good, but the staple is coming off. I would recommend replacing it…
Power League IV (パワーリーグIV)
Power League IV (パワーリーグIV) is the 1991 edition of the popular Hudson Soft baseball series. No Japan…
Susano Oh Densetsu (凄ノ王伝説)
Susano Oh Densetsu (凄ノ王伝説) is an early overhead RPG for the PC Engine. Never released outside of Ja…
Double Dungeons (ダブルダンジョン)
Double Dungeons (ダブルダンジョン) is a 3D Dungeon Crawler game reminiscent of the game Dungeon Master. The…
Jack Nicklaus Championship Golf (ジャックニクラウス・チャンピオンシップ・ゴルフ)
Jack Nicklaus Championship Golf (ジャックニクラウス・チャンピオンシップ・ゴルフ) is a realistic gold simulation game featur…
Blodia (ブロディア)
Blodia (ブロディア) is a puzzle game that is like a mix of Pipe Dream and those sliding block puzzles. V…
Space Invaders Fukkatsu No Hi (スペースインベーダーズ復活の日)
Space Invaders Fukkatsu No Hi (スペースインベーダーズ復活の日) is more than a simple Space Invaders port. It featu…
Ganbare! Golf Boys (がんばれ!ゴルフボーイズ)
Ganbare! Golf Boys (がんばれ!ゴルフボーイズ) is a top-down golf game. No Japanese necessary to play. The ga…
Formation Soccer on J League (フォーメーションサッカー オン Jリーグ )
Formation Soccer on J League (フォーメーションサッカー オン Jリーグ ) is a fast arcade style soccer game. Nice graph…
Gaia no Monshou (ガイアの紋章)
Gaia no Monshou (ガイアの紋章) is a turn based battle strategy game with a fantasy setting (think Shining …
Hiso Kihei Kai SERD (飛装騎兵カイザード )
Hiso Kihei Kai SERD (飛装騎兵カイザード ) is a giant robot strategy game. I know there are a lot of games lik…
F1 Circus (F1サーカス)
F1 Circus (F1サーカス) is the first top down racer (think RC Pro Am) in Nichibutsu's famous racing serie…
Fantasy Zone (ファンタジーゾーン)
Fantasy Zone (ファンタジーゾーン) is a PC Engine port of the SEGA arcade classic "Cute 'em Up" Fantasy Star. …