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Tag Team Pro Wrestling (タッグチームプロレスリング)
Tag Team Pro Wrestling (タッグチームプロレスリング) is not only a very fun 8-bit wrestling game but it is also th…
Gunslinger Girl Volume. 2(ガンスリンガー・ガール Volume. 2)w/ Anime DVD
Gunslinger Girl Volume. 2(ガンスリンガー・ガール Volume. 2)is the 2nd super-stylish "cute girl with wicked guns…
One Piece Grand Battle! (ワンピース グランドバトル!) [Smash/Powerstone-like fighter]
One Piece Grand Battle! (ワンピース グランドバトル!) is a 3D brawler that reminds me of games like Smash Brother…
Sonic Advance 2 (ソニック アドバンス2)
Sonic Advance 2 (ソニック アドバンス2) is the 2nd Sonic game on the GBA. Really great music and a fun platfo…
Tekken Tag Tournament (鉄拳タッグトーナメント)
Tekken Tag Tournament (鉄拳タッグトーナメント) is the first Tekken game on the PS2. An early PS2 title but sti…
Mobile Suit Gundam (機動戦士ガンダム)
Mobile Suit Gundam (機動戦士ガンダム) is the first Gundam platformer / 2D shooter on the Saturn. It is base…
Mario Basketball 3 on 3 / Mario Basket 3 on 3 (マリオバスケ 3on3) [Mario/Donkey Kong/Final Fantasy crossover game]
Mario Basketball 3 on 3 / Mario Basket 3 on 3 (マリオバスケ 3on3) is a very unique Mario sports basketball…
Minecraft:PlayStation Vita Edition (マインクラフト) [Full English Version on Cart]
Minecraft:PlayStation Vita Edition (マインクラフト) is the Vita port of the best selling world building gam…
Morning Musume - Best! Morning Musume 1 (ベスト!モーニング娘。1)
Best! Morning Musume 1 (ベスト!モーニング娘。1) is the fist "best of" Album from super idol group Morning Musu…
Love Psychedelico – THE GREATEST HITS
THE GREATEST HITS is the debut album by Love Psychedelico . Vinnk's Take: How good must your albu…
Hatris (ハットリス) [Boxed]
Hatris (ハットリス) is a puzzle game developed by the creator of Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov. The game is a …
hitomi - Go to the Top [Slim case release]
LOVE LIFE is the debut album by hitomi. Vinnk's Take: This is the first album by Hitomi. Se had …
Psychic Force 2012 (サイキックフォース2012)
Psychic Force 2012 (サイキックフォース2012) is a flying fighter fighting game by Taito. Interesting characte…
K-1 Fighting Illusion Shou (K-1 ファイティングイリュージョン翔)
K-1 Fighting Illusion Shou (K-1 ファイティングイリュージョン翔) is a K-1 martial arts fighting game. Even if you do…
The Legend of Starfy 3 / Densetsu no Stafy 3 (伝説のスタフィー3)
The Legend of Starfy 3 / Densetsu no Stafy 3 (伝説のスタフィー3) is the 3rd Japan exclusive platform game in…
Orange Range - Natural
Orange Range - Natural (stylized as ИATURAL) is the 3rd album by Japanese Rock group Orange Range. …
Resident Evil Zero / Biohazard Zero / Biohazard 0 (バイオハザード0)
Resident Evil Zero / Biohazard Zero / Biohazard 0 (バイオハザード0) is a survival horror game that was ori…
Wave Race 64 (ウエーブレース64)
Wave Race 64 (ウエーブレース64) is still one of the best water based racing games ever made all these years…
Disney Magic Castle My Happy Life 2: Enchanted Edition (ディズニーマジックキャッスル マイ・ハッピー・ライフ2: エンチャンテッドエディション) [Full English Version on Cart]
Disney Magic Castle My Happy Life 2: Enchanted Edition (ディズニーマジックキャッスル マイ・ハッピー・ライフ2: エンチャンテッドエディション)…
Ellegarden - Pepperoni Quattro
Note: There is some fading on the spine. The price has been lowered due to this. Pepperoni Quatt…
Chocobo Racing: Genkai e no Road (チョコボレーシング 〜幻界へのロード〜)
Chocobo Racing: Genkai e no Road (チョコボレーシング 〜幻界へのロード〜) is a racing game spinoff of the Final Fantasy…
Diddy Kong Racing (ディディーコングレーシング)
Diddy Kong Racing (ディディーコングレーシング) is one of the best selling and most beloved N64 games. Like Mario…
Groove Adventure Rave: Fighting Live (GROOVE ADVENTURE RAVE ファイティングライブ)
Groove Adventure Rave: Fighting Live (GROOVE ADVENTURE RAVE ファイティングライブ) is an arena fighter based on…
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009 (遊戯王ファイブディーズ スターダスト アクセラレーター ワールドチャンピオンシップ2009) [Full English version on cart]
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009 (遊戯王ファイブディーズ スターダスト アクセラレーター ワールドチャンピオンシ…
Ayumi Hamasaki - My Story (CD + DVD version)
Guilty is the 6th full album from Ayumi Hamasaki. She personally wrote the lyrics to each song and e…
Ayumi Hamasaki - A Best 2: Black
A Best 2: Black is one half of the double album release of Ayumi Hamasaki's 2nd "Best of" album. …
Do as Infinity - Deep Forest
Do as Infinity - Deep Forest is the 3rd and best selling album from the rock band Do As Infinity. C…
Cocco -
Cocco - Rapunzel (ラプンツェル) is the 3rd studio album by Cocco (and the 2nd best selling of all her albu…
Chain Reaction / Magical Drop (マジカルドロップ)
Magical Drop (マジカルドロップ) is a remake of the first game in the Magical Drop series. They redid it wit…
Ellegarden - Bring Your Board!!
Eleven Fire Crackers is the 5th and newest album by skater rock group Ellegarden. Vinnk's Take: …
THE Gun Shooting Simple series 1500 vol. 24 (THE ガンシューティング SIMPLE 1500シリーズVOL.24)
THE Gun Shooting Simple series 1500 vol. 24 (THE ガンシューティング SIMPLE 1500シリーズVOL.24) is a surprisingly…
hitomi - Déjà-vu
Déjà-vu is the 3rd studio album by hitomi. Vinnk's Take: This is one of Hitomi's most successful …
Space Channel 5: Part 2 (スペースチャンネル5 パート2)
Note: Game works great but the cover is faded, the price has been reduced because of this. Space …
Populous (ポピュラス) [Boxed]
Populous (ポピュラス) is the original "God Game" and is a classic in the real time simulation genre. I p…
Denki Groove - Orange
Dragon is the 7th studio album by Denki Groove. Vinnk's Take: Orange is an interesting album. Ve…
Puyo Puyo SUN 64 (ぷよぷよSUN64) [Boxed]
Note: The box is in poor condition (see photos). The price has been lowered because of this. Puyo…
THE Ping Pong Simple series 1500 vol. 33 (THE 卓球 SIMPLE 1500シリーズVOL.33)
THE Ping Pong Simple series 1500 vol. 33 (THE 卓球 SIMPLE 1500シリーズVOL.33) is a simple (har har) ping …
Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Chou Gouka Han (太鼓の達人Wii 超ごうか版) [Final Taiko Wii Game]
Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Chou Gouka Han (太鼓の達人Wii 超ごうか版) is not only the final Taiko game on the Wii b…
Taiko no Tatsujin V Version (太鼓の達人 Vバージョン)
Taiko no Tatsujin V Version (太鼓の達人 Vバージョン) is the best (and only) Taito Drum Master game released fo…
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂)
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂) is the first portable entry in the weird wonderful Katam…
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles / Biohazard: The Umbrella Chronicles (バイオハザード アンブレラ・クロニクルズ)
Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles / Biohazard: The Umbrella Chronicles (バイオハザード アンブレラ・クロニクルズ) w…
hitomi - Love Consent
Love Concent is the 8th studio album by hitomi. Vinnk's Take: Not only is this my favorite hitomi…
Dead or Alive 4 (デッド オア アライブ 4) w/ slipcase and postcard
Dead or Alive 4 (デッド オア アライブ 4) is the 4th installment of the Dead or Alive series. It is also the f…
One Piece Nanatsutou no Daihihou (ONE PIECE ナナツ島の大秘宝) [Boxed]
One Piece Nanatsu Shima no Daihihou (ワンピース〜ナナツ島の大秘宝〜) is an action RPG set in the universe of ONE PI…
Domo-kun's Mystery TV / Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi (どーもくんの不思議てれび)
Domo-kun's Mystery TV / Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi (どーもくんの不思議てれび) is a mini-game collection staring …
Konami Wai Wai World (コナミワイワイワールド)
Konami Wai Wai World (コナミワイワイワールド) is a crossover action game featuring tons of Konami characters. G…
Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Parsley Jō (ワイワイワールド2 SOS!!パセリ城)
Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Parsley Jō (ワイワイワールド2 SOS!!パセリ城) is the 2nd crossover action game featuring t…
Just Dance WiiU (Japan exclusive J-Pop edition)
Just Dance WiiU (Japan exclusive J-Pop edition) Is a dance game that (in my opinion, has the best so…
Rockman Zero 2 (ロックマンゼロ2)
Rockman Zero 2 (ロックマンゼロ2) is the second game in the Zero series for GBA. Cool melee fighting in add…
Super Donkey Kong GB (スーパードンキーコングGB)
Super Donkey Kong GB (スーパードンキーコングGB) is the first handheld spinoff of Donkey Kong Country (which was…
Donkey Kong Land 2 / Donkey Kong Land (ドンキーコングランド)
Donkey Kong Land (ドンキーコングランド) is the Second handheld spinoff of Donkey Kong Country (The first one w…
Intelligent License (インテリジェント・ライセンス)
Intelligent License (インテリジェント・ライセンス) is a super stylized block moving 3D puzzle game. Rules are pre…
Do as Infinity - TRUE SONG
Do as Infinity - Deep Forest is the 4th album from the rock band Do As Infinity. Vinnk's Take: …
OnēChanbara Z: Kagura (お姉チャンバラZ〜カグラ〜)
OnēChanbara Z: Kagura (お姉チャンバラZ〜カグラ〜) is a Japan-exclusive Xbox 360 title, it is the first OneeChan…
Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad / OnēChanbara VorteX (お姉チャンバラvorteX ~忌血を継ぐ者たち~ )
Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad / OnēChanbara VorteX (お姉チャンバラvorteX ~忌血を継ぐ者たち~ ) is the first Onec…
Dragon Ball Z (ドラゴンボールZ)
Dragon Ball Z (ドラゴンボールZ) is the fist PS2 Dragon Ball fighter. This version has the original Japanese…
Mini-4 Boy (ミニ四ボーイ)
Mini-4 Boy (ミニ四ボーイ) is a mini-car racing/customizing simulation game. Has lots of anime girls of so…
Shanghai Great Moments (上海 グレートモーメンツ)
Shanghai Great Moments (上海 グレートモーメンツ) is a Shanghai (Mahjong solitaire) game with great moments, pla…
Final Fantasy X-2: Original Soundtrack (ファイナルファンタジーX-2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック)
NOTE: The 2nd disc is a bit loose in the case. Doen't affect playback or how it looks on the shelf,…
New Super Mario Bros. U (New スーパーマリオブラザーズ U)
New Super Mario Bros. U (New スーパーマリオブラザーズ U) is a good platformer that didn't get its due respect be…