Nintendo Game Boy
Flipull (フリップル)
Flipull (フリップル) [Called "Plotting" in some regions] is a very fun, though sadly largely forgotten, a…
Super Doll Licca-chan: Kisekae Daisakusen (スーパードール リカちゃん きせかえ大作戦) [Boxed]
Super Doll Licca-chan: Kisekae Daisakusen (スーパードール リカちゃん きせかえ大作戦) is a super cute RPG game based on …
Yakuman (役満)
Yakuman (役満) is one of the 4 original Game Boy launch titles and the only one that never got release…
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages / The Legend of Zelda: The Mysterious Seeds – Chapter of Space-Time / Fushigi no Kinomi Jikū no Shō (ゼルダの伝説 ふしぎの木の実〜時空の章〜)
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages / The Legend of Zelda: The Mysterious Seeds – Chapter of Space-T…
Baseball Kids (ベースボール キッズ)
Baseball Kids (ベースボール キッズ) All I can say is that if you are sliding onto home plate and you hear a S…
Data Navi Professional Baseball (データナビプロ野球) [Boxed]
Data Navi Professional Baseball (データナビプロ野球) is a stat-based baseball simulation game. The game ha…
Mini-Yonku GB: Let's & Go!! (ミニ四駆GB レッツ&ゴー)
Mini-Yonku GB: Let's & Go!! (ミニ四駆GB レッツ&ゴー) is a mini-car racing/customizing/simulation game. The…
Mini-4 Boy (ミニ四ボーイ)
Mini-4 Boy (ミニ四ボーイ) is a mini-car racing/customizing simulation game. Has lots of anime girls of so…
Kinniku Banzuke GB 2 : Mokushi Semassuru Champion (筋肉番付GB2 〜目指せ!マッスルチャンピオン〜)
Kinniku Banzuke GB 2 : Mokushi Semassuru Champion (筋肉番付GB2 〜目指せ!マッスルチャンピオン〜) is a "press the buttons…
Karakuri Kengō Den Musashi Lord (からくり剣豪伝ムサシロード)
Karakuri Kengō Den Musashi Lord (からくり剣豪伝ムサシロード) ever want to play an action game where thare are Gun…
Tecmo Bowl GB (テクモボウルGB)
Tecmo Bowl GB (テクモボウルGB) is a portable version of my favorite American Football game. Super fun. It…
Harvest Moon GB 2 / Bokujō Monogatari GB 2 (牧場物語GB2)
Harvest Moon GB 2 / Bokujō Monogatari GB 2 (牧場物語GB2) is the second portable game in the long (and st…
Othello (オセロ)
Othello (オセロ) is an interesting Game Boy Othello game. I actually like this one better than the Fam…
Medarot Card Robottle Kabuto Version (メダロットカードロボトル カブトバージョン)
Medarot Card Robottle Kabuto Version (メダロットカードロボトル カブトバージョン) is a card battle RPG spin-off of the po…
Tennis (テニス)
Tennis (テニス) is a simple but very fun Tennis game that was one of the earliest titles on the Game Bo…
Dancing Furby (ダンシングファービー)
Dancing Furby (ダンシングファービー) is a music/dance game that plays a lot like Dance Dance Revolution but fe…
Ganbare Nippon! Olympic 2000 (がんばれ! ニッポン! オリンピック2000)
Ganbare Nippon! Olympic 2000 (がんばれ! ニッポン! オリンピック2000) is a Konami Hyper Sports/Track and Field game …
F-1 Spirit (エフワン スピリット)
F-1 Spirit (エフワン スピリット) is a well made top down racer by Konami and a sequel to the popular MSX seri…
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children Kuro no Sho (真・女神転生デビルチルドレン黒の書)
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children Kuro no Sho (真・女神転生デビルチルドレン黒の書) is basically what you would get if…
Harvest Moon GB / Bokujō Monogatari GB (牧場物語GB)
Harvest Moon GB / Bokujō Monogatari GB (牧場物語GB) is the first portable game in the long (and still) r…
NBA All-Star Challenge 2 (NBAオールスターチャレンジ2)
Note: The game works perfectly but the game label is all messed up. The price has been dramatically …
Alleyway (アレイウェイ)
Alleyway (アレイウェイ) is Nintendo's take on Arkanoid/Breakout type games. It was a launch title in Japa…
Sanrio Carnival (サンリオカーニバル)
Sanrio Carnival (サンリオカーニバル) is a surprisingly enjoyable falling blocks puzzle game featuring Hello K…
Mole Mania / Moguranya (モグラ〜ニャ)
Mole Mania / Moguranya (モグラ〜ニャ) is a super interesting puzzle game where you can dig holes to bring …
Trump Boy (トランプボーイ)
Trump Boy (トランプボーイ) is a no frills collection of 3 card games. It is named after trump playing card…
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (スーパーマリオランド2 6つの金貨)
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (スーパーマリオランド2 6つの金貨) is easily one of the best early Game Boy titl…
Donkey Kong Land 2 / Donkey Kong Land (ドンキーコングランド)
Donkey Kong Land (ドンキーコングランド) is the Second handheld spinoff of Donkey Kong Country (The first one w…
Wario Land 2: Nusumareta Zaihō (ワリオランド2 盗まれた財宝)
Wario Land 2: Nusumareta Zaihō (ワリオランド2 盗まれた財宝) is a fantastic and great looking platform game for t…
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (ゼルダの伝説 夢をみる島)
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (ゼルダの伝説 夢をみる島) is my favorite 2D Zelda game. Excellent graphi…
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (スーパーマリオランド3 ワリオランド)
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (スーパーマリオランド3 ワリオランド) is the 3rd Super Mario game for the Game Boy and…
Super Donkey Kong GB (スーパードンキーコングGB)
Super Donkey Kong GB (スーパードンキーコングGB) is the first handheld spinoff of Donkey Kong Country (which was…
Hoshi no Kirby 2 / Kirby's Dream Land 2 (星のカービィ2)
Hoshi no Kirby 2 / Kirby's Dream Land 2 (星のカービィ2) Is an action platform game and the second mainline…
Donkey Kong '94 / Donkey Kong (ドンキーコング)
Donkey Kong '94 / Donkey Kong (ドンキーコング) was the title made to sell the Super Game Boy accessory for …
Bonk's Adventure/ GB Genjin (GB原人)
Bonk's Adventure/ GB Genjin (GB原人) is the first Bonk game on the Game Boy. Not a straight port of t…
One Piece: Maboroshi no Grand Line Boukenki! (ワンピース 幻のグランドライン冒険記!) [Boxed]
One Piece: Maboroshi no Grand Line Boukenki! (ワンピース 幻のグランドライン冒険記!) is a role playing game based on t…
Cardcaptor Sakura: Itsumo Sakura-chan to Issho! (カードキャプターさくら 〜いつもさくらちゃんといっしょ〜)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Itsumo Sakura-chan to Issho! (カードキャプターさくら 〜いつもさくらちゃんといっしょ〜) is an adventure game …
Mario Tennis GB (マリオテニスGB)
Mario Tennis GB (マリオテニスGB) is a fun tennis game with a great story mode it is also the first appeara…
Bomberman Max Yami no Senshi (ボンバーマンマックス 闇の戦士)
Bomberman Max Yami no Senshi (ボンバーマンマックス 闇の戦士) is an action spin-off game in the Bomberman series. …
Pokemon Card GB (ポケモンカードGB)
Pokemon Card GB (ポケモンカードGB) is a digital version of the then (and still) popular Pokemon trading car…
Bomberman GB 3 (ボンバーマンGB3)
Bomberman GB 3 (ボンバーマンGB3) is the final Bomberman game in the GB series. Excellent portable Bomberm…
Monopoly (モノポリー)
Monopoly (モノポリー) is the Game Boy version of the property buying classic board game. The game has …
Baseball (ベースボール)
Baseball (ベースボール) is one of the very first gameboy games and was used to showcase the link cable. N…
Crayon Shin-Chan 3: Ora no Gokigen Athletic (クレヨンしんちゃん3 オラのごきげんアスレチック )
Crayon Shin-Chan 3: Ora no Gokigen Athletic (クレヨンしんちゃん3 オラのごきげんアスレチック ) is a truly bizarre collectio…
Kirby no Pinball (カービィのピンボール)
Kirby no Pinball (カービィのピンボール) is a very fun pinball game with multiple stages, gimmicks and boss bat…
Quarth (クォース)
Quarth (クォース) is a game I never played as a kid and just discovered a few years ago. Now it is one …
F1 Race (F1レース)
F1 Race (F1レース) is a car racing game for up to 4 players. It was made by Nintendo. No Japanese need…
SD Lupin the Third: Kinko Yaburi Daisakusen (SDルパン三世 金庫破り大作戦)
SD Lupin the Third: Kinko Yaburi Daisakusen (SDルパン三世 金庫破り大作戦) is an action puzzle game starring the …
Crayon Shinchan (クレヨンしんちゃん オラとシロはお友達だよ)
Crayon Shinchan (クレヨンしんちゃん オラとシロはお友達だよ) is actually the first Crayon Shinchan game for any system. …
Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden: The Road to Victory (ボンバーマンビーダマン爆外伝 ビクトリーへのみち)
Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden: The Road to Victory (ボンバーマンビーダマン爆外伝 ビクトリーへのみち) is a Bomberman/B-Daman …
HAL Wrestling / Pro Wrestling (プロレス)
HAL Wrestling / Pro Wrestling (プロレス) is a wrestling game by HUMAN entertainment. It is not official…
Pachinko Time (パチンコタイム)
Pachinko Time (パチンコタイム) is an early Game Boy Pachinko title. In fact has the honor of being the fir…
Hanasaka Tenshi Tantn-kun no Beat Breaker (花さか天使テンテンくんのビートブレイカー)
Hanasaka Tenshi Tantn-kun no Beat Breaker (花さか天使テンテンくんのビートブレイカー) is a freaking weird (and wonderful)…
Card Game (カードゲーム)
Card Game (カードゲーム) is a lot more fun than it sounds. 3 well made card games and an odd fortune tell…
Othello World (オセロワールド)
Othello World (オセロワールド) if you like the game of Othello but thought the one released in the US was a…
Hamster Club (ハムスター倶楽部)
Hamster Club (ハムスター倶楽) as adorable hamster simulation games go... this is definitely one of them. …
Hello Kitty Magical Museum (ハローキティのマジカルミュージアム)
Hello Kitty Magical Museum (ハローキティのマジカルミュージアム) is actually more fun than a licensed Hello Kitty gam…
QBillion (キュービリオン)
QBillion (キュービリオン) is a block moving Game Boy puzzle game. One of the earliest games on the platfor…
QIX (クイックス)
QIX (クイックス) is a port made by Nintendo (featuring Mario) of the original Taito arcade classic. It i…
Yu Yu Hakusho 2 Ankoku Bujyutsukai Hen (幽☆遊☆白書2 暗黒武術会編)
Yu Yu Hakusho 2 Ankoku Bujyutsukai Hen (幽☆遊☆白書2 暗黒武術会編) is a very neat collection of fighting and mi…
Super Momotaro Dentetsu (SUPER桃太郎電鉄)
Super Momotaro Dentetsu (SUPER桃太郎電鉄) is the first portable game in the wildly popular Momotaro Dente…