Dating Sim
Dream Club (ドリームクラブ) [Platinum Collection]
Dream Club (ドリームクラブ) is a hostess club dating sim with musical mini-games. Will you become lovers o…
Monochrome Factor Cross Road (モノクローム・ファクター Cross Road)
Monochrome Factor Cross Road (モノクローム・ファクター Cross Road) is a very stylized dating-sim adventure game.…
Memories Off 2nd (メモリーズオフ セカンド) [First Run Limited Edition w/ bonus disc and cards]
Memories Off 2nd (メモリーズオフ セカンド) is an adventure game/visual novel game by Kid. The game has been …
Dream Club Zero (ドリーム・クラブZERO)
Dream Club Zero (ドリーム・クラブZERO) is the sequel to D3's hostess club dating sim with musical mini-games…
D.C.P.S. ~Da Capo Plus Situation~ (D.C.P.S. 〜ダ・カーポ〜 プラスシチュエーション)
D.C.P.S. ~Da Capo Plus Situation~ (D.C.P.S. 〜ダ・カーポ〜 プラスシチュエーション) is a high school romantic adventure…
Find Love 2: Rhapsody (ファインドラブ2 ラプソディ) [18+]
Find Love 2: Rhapsody (ファインドラブ2 ラプソディ) is a dating simulation game. This game is recommended for ad…
Memories Off 2nd (メモリーズオフ セカンド)
Memories Off 2nd (メモリーズオフ セカンド) is an adventure game/visual novel game by Kid. The game has been …
Heartbeat Scramble (ハートビートスクランブル)
Heartbeat Scramble (ハートビートスクランブル) is a dating sim that uses both live action FMV and 2D anime art. …
Angelique Special (アンジェリークスペシャル)
Angelique Special (アンジェリーク) is a remake of the first game in the dating sim / Adventure series Angel…
Dream Club (ドリームクラブ)
Dream Club (ドリームクラブ) is a hostess club dating sim with musical mini-games. Will you become lovers o…
With You: Mitsumete Itai (With You 〜みつめていたい〜)
With You: Mitsumete Itai (With You 〜みつめていたい〜) is a 1999 dating sim game and one of the last few Sega…
Can Can Bunny Premiere 2 (きゃんきゃんバニー プルミエール2) [18+]
Can Can Bunny Premiere 2 (きゃんきゃんバニー プルミエール2) [18+] the name alone should tell you everything you nee…
Memories Off Complete (メモリーズオフ コンプリート)
Memories Off Complete (メモリーズオフ コンプリート) is an enhanced Dreamcast remake of the classic adventure game…
Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou Koto Nakare (サクラ大戦2 〜君、死にたもうことなかれ〜)
Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou Koto Nakare (サクラ大戦2 〜君、死にたもうことなかれ〜) is the second game in the seri…
Love Plus (ラブプラス)
Love Plus (ラブプラス) is notable for being a girlfriend simulation so rewarding that in 2009 a man marri…
Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol. 1: Nijiiro no Seishun (ときめきメモリアル ドラマVol.1 虹色の青春)
Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol. 1: Nijiiro no Seishun (ときめきメモリアル ドラマVol.1 虹色の青春) is a visual nov…
Oh My Goddess! / Ah My Goddess! / Ah! Megami-sama (ああっ女神さまっ)
Oh My Goddess! / Ah My Goddess! (ああっ女神さまっ) is an anime adventure game based on the manga/anime of th…
Angelique Special 2 (アンジェリーク2)
Angelique Special 2 (アンジェリーク2) is the second game in the dating sim / Adventure series Angelique. It…
Snow (スノー)
Snow (スノー) is a romance visual novel set in winter in at a hot springs inn. What could go wrong? T…
Sakura Wars / Sakura Taisen SegaSaturn Collection Version (サクラ大戦 サタコレ)
Sakura Wars / Sakura Taisen (サクラ大戦) is one of my all time favorite Sega Saturn games and in fact one…
To Heart (トゥハート)
To Heart (トゥハート) is a classic dating sim/adventure game. Led to spin-off games, an anime series, a T…
Highschool Terra Story (ハイスクール テラ ストーリー) [18+]
Highschool Terra Story (ハイスクール テラ ストーリー) is a high school dating sim by ecchi studio KID. There is …
Sakura Wars 4 / Sakura Taisen 4: Koi Seyo, Otome (サクラ大戦4 〜恋せよ乙女〜)
Sakura Taisen 4: Koi Seyo, Otome (サクラ大戦4 〜恋せよ乙女〜) is the final Sakura Wars game on the Dreamcast (or…
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! (Piaキャロットへようこそ!!) [18+]
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! (Piaキャロットへようこそ!!) is a remake/port of the massively popular sexy restaurant s…
Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou Koto Nakare (サクラ大戦2 〜君、死にたもうことなかれ〜) w/slipcase
Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou Koto Nakare (サクラ大戦2 〜君、死にたもうことなかれ〜) is the second game in the seri…
Kakyuusei (下級生) [18+]
Kakyuusei (下級生) [18+] is a famous dating sim/visual novel from ELF. This game is recommended for ad…
Dead or Alive Paradise (デッドオアアライブパラダイス)
Dead or Alive Paradise (デッドオアアライブパラダイス) is a PSP port of Dead or Alive Extreme 2 with added new cont…
Conception: Please Give Birth to My Child! / Conception: Ore no Kodomo o Undekure! (CONCEPTION 俺の子供を産んでくれ!)
Conception: Please Give Birth to My Child! / Conception: Ore no Kodomo o Undekure! (CONCEPTION 俺の子供を…
Ultrabox (ウルトラボックス) [18+]
Ultrabox (ウルトラボックス) is the first installment of the crazy, weird, CD-ROM "Magazine" for the PC Engin…
Candy Stripe: Minarai Tenshi (キャンディストライプ 〜みならい天使〜)
Candy Stripe: Minarai Tenshi (キャンディストライプ 〜みならい天使〜) You are a medical intern at a major hospital. Do…
Roommate 3: Ryouko Kaze no Kagayaku Asa ni (ルームメイト3 〜涼子 風の輝く朝に〜)
Roommate 3: Ryouko Kaze no Kagayaku Asa ni (ルームメイト3 〜涼子 風の輝く朝に〜) is the 3rd mainline game in the Roo…
Angel Present (エンジェルプレゼント)
Angel Present (エンジェルプレゼント) is on the surface a Hunex dating sim but then it gets different. This ga…
Can Can Bunny Premiere (きゃんきゃんバニー プルミエール) [18+]
Can Can Bunny Premiere (きゃんきゃんバニー プルミエール) [18+] the name alone should tell you everything you need t…
Thousand Arms (サウザンドアームズ)
Thousand Arms (サウザンドアームズ) is a delightful mix of RPG and dating sim set in a humorous steampunk worl…
Kekkon: Marriage (結婚 〜Marriage〜)
Kekkon: Marriage (結婚 〜Marriage〜) is a famous dating sim for the Sega Saturn. Flirt, date girls. Wh…
Can Can Bunny Extra DX (キャンキャンバニーエクストラDX) [18+]
Can Can Bunny Extra DX (キャンキャンバニーエクストラDX) read the name of this game. You can probably guess what i…
All Japan Professional Queen of Queens (全日本女子プロレス -クィーン オブ クィーンズ-) [Big Box]
All Japan Professional Queen of Queens (全日本女子プロレス -クィーン オブ クィーンズ-) if you are only going to buy one …
Angelique Special (アンジェリークスペシャル) [Big Box]
Angelique Special (アンジェリーク) is a remake of the first game in the dating sim / Adventure series Angel…
Sotsugyou Graduation S (卒業S) [18+] with notebook and metal school pin
Sotsugyou Graduation S (卒業S) is the Sega Saturn port of the highly influential school raising simula…
Angelique Duet (アンジェリーク デュエット)
Angelique Duet (アンジェリーク デュエット) is a remake of the first Angelique game but add the ability to choose…
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 2 (Pia♥キャロットへようこそ!!2) [18+]
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 2 (Pia♥キャロットへようこそ!!2) is the sequel to the crazy popular adult dating sim Wel…
Virtuacall S (バーチャコールS) [18+] [2 disc limited edition]
Virtuacall S (バーチャコールS) seems to be a dating sim containing every imaginable anime girl fetish. Jus…
Zero4 Champ DooZy-J Type-R (ゼロヨンチャンプ Doozy-J TypeR)
Zero4 Champ DooZy-J Type-R (ゼロヨンチャンプ Doozy-J TypeR) is a weird hybrid game. 1 part racer, 1 part si…
Roommate: Ryouko in Summer Vacation (ルームメイト 〜涼子 in Summer Vacation〜)
Roommate: Ryouko in Summer Vacation (ルームメイト 〜涼子 in Summer Vacation〜) a summer break with a cute new …
Sentimental Graffiti 2 (センチメンタルグラフティ2)
Sentimental Graffiti 2 (センチメンタルグラフティ2) is a Dreamcast dating sim/adventure game and a continuation o…
Ultrabox 6 (ウルトラボックス6号) [18+]
Ultrabox 6 (ウルトラボックス6号) is the 6th and final installment of the crazy, weird, CD-ROM Magazine for th…
Angelique Tenkuu no Requiem (アンジェリーク 天空の鎮魂歌)
Angelique Tenkuu no Requiem (アンジェリーク 天空の鎮魂歌) is the first RPG game in the series. You play as Angel…
Tanjyo Debut (誕生 デビュー)
Tanjyo Debut (誕生 デビュー) is one of the original idol management games. It also has enhanced features …
Eberouge (エーベルージュ)
Eberouge (エーベルージュ) is a fantasy dating sim game for the Sega Saturn. The game has been tested an…
Sentimental Graffiti (センチメンタルグラフティ)
Sentimental Graffiti (センチメンタルグラフティ) is the first dating sim I ever played when I was still strugglin…
Sakura Taisen 3: Paris wa Moeteiru ka (サクラ大戦3 〜巴里は燃えているか〜)
Sakura Taisen 3: Paris wa Moeteiru ka (サクラ大戦3 〜巴里は燃えているか〜) is the first Sakura Wars game designed fo…
Favorite Dear (フェイバリットディア)
Favorite Dear (フェイバリットディア) is an SRPG with dating sim elements and lots of cut scenes. The game h…
Tokimeki Memorial (ときめきメモリアル)
Tokimeki Memorial (ときめきメモリアル) is one of the most influential and important dating sim games of the 9…
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (デッドオアアライブエクストリームビーチバレーボール)
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (デッドオアアライブエクストリームビーチバレーボール) is a bikini volleyball game with t…
Graduation / Sotsugyo (卒業 グラデュエーション)
Graduation / Sotsugyo (卒業 グラデュエーション) is a school raising simulation. In fact it is one of the best …
Canvas: Sepia Iro no Motif (Canvas 〜セピア色のモチーフ〜)
Canvas: Sepia Iro no Motif (Canvas 〜セピア色のモチーフ〜) is a well received Dreamcast visual novel. The ga…
Graduation II Neo Generation / Sotsugyo II Neo Generation (卒業II Neo Generation)
Graduation II Neo Generation / Sotsugyo II Neo Generation (卒業II Neo Generation) is a school girl rai…
Love Plus + (ラブプラス+)
Love Plus + (ラブプラス+) [pronounced Love Plus Plus] the sequel to the girlfriend simulation so rewardin…
Graduation 2: Neo Generation FX (卒業II 〜Neo Generation〜FX) [Big Box]
Graduation 2: Neo Generation FX (卒業II 〜Neo Generation〜FX) is one of the original launch titles for t…
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン鋼鉄のガールフレンド)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン鋼鉄のガールフレンド) is an adventure game produced i…