Simulation Game
Minecraft:PlayStation Vita Edition (マインクラフト) [Full English Version on Cart]
Minecraft:PlayStation Vita Edition (マインクラフト) is the Vita port of the best selling world building gam…
Derby Stallion 96 (ダービースタリオン96)
Derby Stallion 96 (ダービースタリオン96) is a hose racing simulation game. It is unique in the fact that pla…
SimCity 2000 (シムシティ2000)
SimCity 2000 (シムシティ2000) is a Japan exclusive N64 port of the bestselling PC town building (and dest…
Disney Magic Castle My Happy Life 2: Enchanted Edition (ディズニーマジックキャッスル マイ・ハッピー・ライフ2: エンチャンテッドエディション) [Full English Version on Cart]
Disney Magic Castle My Happy Life 2: Enchanted Edition (ディズニーマジックキャッスル マイ・ハッピー・ライフ2: エンチャンテッドエディション)…
Monster Farm 4 (モンスターファーム4)
Monster Rancher 4 / Monster Farm 4 (モンスターファーム4) is a very interesting monster raising/fighting simul…
CV: Casting Voice (CV〜キャスティングボイス〜)
CV: Casting Voice (CV〜キャスティングボイス〜) is a simulation / producing game that is basically "The Idolmaste…
Dream Club (ドリームクラブ) [Platinum Collection]
Dream Club (ドリームクラブ) is a hostess club dating sim with musical mini-games. Will you become lovers o…
Populous (ポピュラス) [Boxed]
Populous (ポピュラス) is the original "God Game" and is a classic in the real time simulation genre. I p…
Derby Stallion 96 (ダービースタリオン96) [Boxed]
Derby Stallion 96 (ダービースタリオン96) is a hose racing simulation game. It is unique in the fact that pla…
Tadaima Wakusei Kaitakuchū! (ただいま惑星開拓中!)
Tadaima Wakusei Kaitakuchū! (ただいま惑星開拓中!) which could be translated as "Planet Currently Under Devel…
The Combini 2 (ザ・コンビニ2 〜全国チェーン展開だ!〜)
The Combini 2 (ザ・コンビニ2 〜全国チェーン展開だ!〜) is a convenience store business simulation game. Expended on a…
Mini-Yonku GB: Let's & Go!! (ミニ四駆GB レッツ&ゴー)
Mini-Yonku GB: Let's & Go!! (ミニ四駆GB レッツ&ゴー) is a mini-car racing/customizing/simulation game. The…
Wonder Project J: Kikai no Shōnen Pīno (ワンダープロジェクトJ機械の少年ピーノ)
Wonder Project J: Kikai no Shōnen Pīno (ワンダープロジェクトJ機械の少年ピーノ) is a robot/child raising simulation gam…
Mini-4 Boy (ミニ四ボーイ)
Mini-4 Boy (ミニ四ボーイ) is a mini-car racing/customizing simulation game. Has lots of anime girls of so…
Neo ATLAS(ネオ アトラス)
Neo ATLAS(ネオ アトラス)is a simulation game with a heavy focus on world exploration. Completing the Neo …
Derby Tsuku: Derby Uma o Tsukurou! (ダビつく ダービー馬をつくろう!)
Derby Tsuku: Derby Uma o Tsukurou! (ダビつく ダービー馬をつくろう!) is a horse racing simulation game. The first i…
Mamegoma - Honobono Nikki (まめゴマ ほのぼの日記)
Mamegoma - Honobono Nikki (まめゴマ ほのぼの日記) is a pet simulation with the super-cute San-X character Mame…
Dream Club Zero (ドリーム・クラブZERO)
Dream Club Zero (ドリーム・クラブZERO) is the sequel to D3's hostess club dating sim with musical mini-games…
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Plus (銀河英雄伝説プラス)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Plus (銀河英雄伝説プラス) is the rare "Plus" version of Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu. A classic…
The Combini / The Conveni: Ano Machi o Dokusen Seyo (ザ・コンビニ 〜あの町を独占せよ〜)
Note: The game works great but the cover is a bit faded (see photos). The price has been lowered be…
Dream Club Portable (ドリームクラブ ポータブル)
Dream Club Portable (ドリームクラブ ポータブル) is a hostess club dating/management sim with musical (and oddly …
Harvest Moon GB 2 / Bokujō Monogatari GB 2 (牧場物語GB2)
Harvest Moon GB 2 / Bokujō Monogatari GB 2 (牧場物語GB2) is the second portable game in the long (and st…
Viva Piñata (あつまれ!ピニャータ)
Viva Piñata (あつまれ!ピニャータ) is a colorful life simulation game made by Rare for the 360. It was meant …
Custom Robo V2 (カスタム ロボV2)
Custom Robo V2 (カスタム ロボV2) is the 2nd Custom Robot game on the N64 and was a super well-received rob…
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection (神次元アイドル ネプテューヌPP)
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection (神次元アイドル ネプテューヌPP) is an idol management simulation ga…
Harvest Moon GB / Bokujō Monogatari GB (牧場物語GB)
Harvest Moon GB / Bokujō Monogatari GB (牧場物語GB) is the first portable game in the long (and still) r…
Custom Robo (カスタム ロボ)
Custom Robo (カスタム ロボ) is a robot building action RPG. It is super fun can be played without knowing…
Sim City (シムシティ) [Boxed]
Sim City (シムシティ) is the most influential city building game ever. This is a port from the PC with l…
Disney Magic Castle My Happy Life (ディズニー マジックキャッスル マイ・ハッピー・ライフ)
Disney Magic Castle My Happy Life (ディズニー マジックキャッスル マイ・ハッピー・ライフ) is a life simulation/action game set…
The Idolmaster One For All (アイドルマスター ワンフォーオール)
The Idolmaster One For All (アイドルマスター ワンフォーオール) is the final Idolmaster game for the PS3, it is also …
Super Robot Taisen Impact (スーパーロボット大戦IMPACT)
Super Robot Taisen Impact (スーパーロボット大戦IMPACT) is a giant robot simulation/war game. Featured Serie…
SimCity 2000 (シムシティ2000)
SimCity 2000 (シムシティ2000) is the only Sim City game ever made for a Sega console and features some Sa…
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods (ポピュラスII)
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods (ポピュラスII) is the lesser known but still great sequel to the…
Ciel Nosurge (シェルノサージュ〜失われた星へ捧ぐ詩〜)
Ciel Nosurge (シェルノサージュ〜失われた星へ捧ぐ詩〜) is a simulation game where you help a girl regain her lost memori…
J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! (Jリーグ プロサッカークラブをつくろう!)
J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! (Jリーグ プロサッカークラブをつくろう!) is a pro soccer/football management simu…
The Idolmaster (アイドルマスター)
The Idolmaster (アイドルマスタ-) is an idol raising simulation and rhythm game. This is the first game in …
The Money Game (ザ・マネーゲーム)
The Money Game (ザ・マネーゲーム) is a stock market trading game. This is the first game in the series. Th…
Theme Park (テーマパーク)
Theme Park (テーマパーク) is a great amusement park management sim. If you have a walk-through (or you pla…
Minna to Kimi no Piramekino! (みんなとキミのピラメキーノ!)
Minna to Kimi no Piramekino! (みんなとキミのピラメキーノ!) is a bizarre mix of a simulation game like Tomodachi C…
Simple 2000 Series vol. 39: The Boku no Machizukuri (SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.39 THE ぼくの街づくり)
Simple 2000 Series vol. 39: The Boku no Machizukuri (SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.39 THE ぼくの街づくり) is a 3D city…
Gokujou!! Mecha Mote Iinchou: Girls Motekawa Box (極上!!めちゃモテ委員長ガールズ『モテ?カワ』BOX)
Gokujou!! Mecha Mote Iinchou: Girls Motekawa Box (極上!!めちゃモテ委員長ガールズ『モテ?カワ』BOX) is a dress-up, makeup,…
Air Management '96 (エアーマネジメント’96)
Air Management '96 (エアーマネジメント’96) is, as the name suggest, an airline management simulation game. Se…
Wizard's Harmony (ウィザーズハーモニー)
Wizard's Harmony (ウィザーズハーモニー) is a magical simulation game. It was made by Arc System Works. The …
Pro Yakyuu Team o Tsukurou! (プロ野球チームをつくろう!)
Pro Yakyuu Team o Tsukurou! (プロ野球チームをつくろう!) is a baseball management sim in the "Le's make a ...." s…
The Idolmaster Live For You! (アイドルマスター ライブフォーユー!) [Limited Edition]
The Idolmaster Live For You! (アイドルマスター ライブフォーユー!) is an idol raising simulation and rhythm game. It…
Monster Hunter Diary Poka Poka Airou Village (モンハン日記 ぽかぽかアイルー村)
Monster Hunter Diary Poka Poka Airou Village (モンハン日記 ぽかぽかアイルー村) is a Japan exclusive Monster Hunter …
Angel Graffiti S: Anata e no Profile (エンジェルグラフィティS 〜あなたへのプロフィール〜)
Angel Graffiti S: Anata e no Profile (エンジェルグラフィティS 〜あなたへのプロフィール〜) is a simulation game with every 90…
Sim City (シムシティ)
Sim City (シムシティ) is the most influential city building game ever. This is a port from the PC with l…
Dream Club (ドリームクラブ)
Dream Club (ドリームクラブ) is a hostess club dating sim with musical mini-games. Will you become lovers o…
J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! (Jリーグ プロサッカークラブをつくろう!)
J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! (Jリーグ プロサッカークラブをつくろう!) is a Soccer management simulation game. …
The Idolmaster 2 (アイドルマスター2)
The Idolmaster 2 (アイドルマスター2) is the first game in the Idolmaster series to be released on the PS3. …
Aquanaut's Holiday (アクアノートの休日)
Aquanaut's Holiday (アクアノートの休日) is an underwater ocean exploration game. I find it very peaceful. Th…
Nobunaga no Yabou: Shouseiroku with Power-Up Kit (信長の野望 将星録 with パワーアップキット)
Nobunaga no Yabou: Shouseiroku with Power-Up Kit (信長の野望 将星録 with パワーアップキット) is a Japanese historical…
The Idolmaster (アイドルマスター) [Platinum Collection]
The Idolmaster (アイドルマスタ-) is an idol raising simulation and rhythm game. This is the first game in …
Tomodachi Collection (トモダチコレクション)
Tomodachi Collection (トモダチコレクション) is the super popular Nintendo produced life simulation game. Desi…
Sangokushi: Chuugen no Hasha (三国志 中原の覇者)
Sangokushi: Chuugen no Hasha (三国志 中原の覇者) is a 3 Kingdoms Strategy game taking place in China. There …
SD Sangoku Bushou Retsuden: Rekka no Gotoku Tenka wo Tore! (SD戦国武将列伝 烈火のごとく天下を盗れ!)
SD Sangoku Bushou Retsuden: Rekka no Gotoku Tenka wo Tore! (SD戦国武将列伝 烈火のごとく天下を盗れ!) is a strategy/war…
Super Producers: Mezase Show Biz Kai (スーパープロデューサーズ 目指せショウビズ界)
Super Producers: Mezase Show Biz Kai (スーパープロデューサーズ 目指せショウビズ界) is music production simulation that is…
Hamster Club (ハムスター倶楽部)
Hamster Club (ハムスター倶楽) as adorable hamster simulation games go... this is definitely one of them. …
Soccer Tsuku Tokudaigou: J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! (サカつく特大号 J.LEAGUEプロサッカークラブをつくろう!)
Soccer Tsuku Tokudaigou: J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! (サカつく特大号 J.LEAGUEプロサッカークラブをつくろう!) is a…