Driver's License Training Simulation / Simple 2000 Series Vol. 25: The Menkyo Shutoku Simulation (THE 運転免許シミュレーション SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.25)
Driver's License Training Simulation / Simple 2000 Series Vol. 25: The Menkyo Shutoku Simulation (TH…
Mini-Yonku GB: Let's & Go!! (ミニ四駆GB レッツ&ゴー)
Mini-Yonku GB: Let's & Go!! (ミニ四駆GB レッツ&ゴー) is a mini-car racing/customizing/simulation game. The…
Mini-4 Boy (ミニ四ボーイ)
Mini-4 Boy (ミニ四ボーイ) is a mini-car racing/customizing simulation game. Has lots of anime girls of so…
Mario Kart 8 (マリオカート8)
Note: This game never had a full manual, just an action card. I mis manuals.. but anyway, it'n no i…
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (アイルトン・セナ・スーパーモナコGPII)
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (アイルトン・セナ・スーパーモナコGPII) is a Game Gear racing game and the sequel t…
F-1 Grand Prix Part 2 (エフワングランプリ2)
F-1 Grand Prix Part 2 (エフワングランプリ2) is the sequel to the popular Super Famicom mode-7 top down racer.…
F-1 Grand Prix (エフワングランプリ)
F-1 Grand Prix (エフワングランプリ) is a mode-7 top down racer. Reminds me a bit of the F-1 Circus series. …
Top Gear Rally (トップギア ラリー)
Top Gear Rally (トップギア ラリー) is a racing game similar in gameplay to Sega Rally Championship. No Japa…
Mad Dash Racing (マッドダッシュレーシング)
Mad Dash Racing (マッドダッシュレーシング) is a very funky racer for the Xbox. The game has been tested and p…
Ridge Racers (リッジレーサーズ)
Ridge Racers (リッジレーサーズ) is a racing game for the PSP that is like a "best of" of previous console Ri…
F-1 Spirit (エフワン スピリット)
F-1 Spirit (エフワン スピリット) is a well made top down racer by Konami and a sequel to the popular MSX seri…
Radical Psycho Machine Racing / RPM Racing (R.P.M.レーシング)
Radical Psycho Machine Racing / RPM Racing (R.P.M.レーシング) is a top down battle racer and is believed …
F-1 Live Information (F-1ライブインフォメーション)
F-1 Live Information (F-1ライブインフォメーション) is a solid F-1 game made by Sega Sports. It was notable for…
Simple 2000 Series Vol.81 - Earth Defense Force 2 (THE地球防衛軍2 SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.81)
Simple 2000 Series Vol.81 - Earth Defense Force 2 (THE地球防衛軍2 SIMPLE2000シリーズ Vol.81) is like a B-movi…
Gran Turismo 2 (グランツーリスモ2)
Gran Turismo 2 (グランツーリスモ2) is the second game in the legendary PS1 racing series. It is also one of …
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (グランツーリスモ3 A-spec)
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec (グランツーリスモ3 A-spec) is the third mainline game is the legendary racing series.…
Mario Kart DS (マリオカートDS)
Mario Kart DS (マリオカートDS) is the 2nd portable installment of the classic Kart racing game. No Japane…
Gran Turismo (グランツーリスモ)
Gran Turismo (グランツーリスモ) is the first game in the legendary PS1 racing series. Tons of licensed vehic…
Gekitotsu Yonku Battle (激突四駆バトル)
Gekitotsu Yonku Battle (激突四駆バトル) is a really fun vehicular combat game by Irem. Never released outs…
Mario Kart 64 (マリオカート64) [Boxed]
Mario Kart 64 (マリオカート64) is the first polygonal 3D entry in the crazy-popular Mario Kart series. Ca…
F-Zero X (エフゼロエックス)
F-Zero X (エフゼロエックス) is a super-fun, super-fast futuristic racer. Sequel to the Super Famicom classi…
Runabout (ランナバウト)
Runabout (ランナバウト) is a destruction racer by Climax Entertainment (best known for Sega titles like Sh…
F1 Race (F1レース)
F1 Race (F1レース) is the original Nintendo produced F1 racing game. Can be played without knowing Japa…
Human Grand Prix (ヒューマングランプリ)
Human Grand Prix (ヒューマングランプリ) Is a racing game with lots of tracks and customization. Everything in…
Excitebike (エキサイトバイク)
Excitebike (エキサイトバイク) is a classic 1984 motocross racing game for the Famicom. Compatible with the …
Mario Kart 64 (マリオカート64)
Mario Kart 64 (マリオカート64) is the first polygonal 3D entry in the crazy-popular Mario Kart series. Al…
Gran Chaser (グランチェイサー)
Gran Chaser (グランチェイサー) is a futuristic racing game similar to Wipeout (though made before it). It w…
Mario Kart Advance (マリオカートアドバンス)
Mario Kart Advance (マリオカートアドバンス) is the first portable entry in the Mario Kart series. New courses …
Excite Truck (エキサイト トラック)
Excite Truck (エキサイト トラック) is unironically one of my favorite games on the Wii and probably the game …
Family Circuit '91(ファミリーサーキット91)
Family Circuit '91 (ファミリーサーキット91) is a simple but fun top-down racing game (think games like RC Pro-…
Rage Racer (レイジレーサー)
Rage Racer (レイジレーサー) is the 3rd game in the Ridge Racer series and the first to not be an arcade por…
Super Mario Kart (スーパーマリオカート)
Super Mario Kart (スーパーマリオカート) is the brilliant cart racing game that basically ushered in a new genr…
Diddy Kong Racing (ディディーコングレーシング)
Diddy Kong Racing (ディディーコングレーシング) is one of the best selling and most beloved N64 games. Like Mario…
Pen Pen TriIceLon (ペンペン トライアイスロン)
Pen Pen TriIceLon (ペンペン トライアイスロン) is a fun colorful racing game. Lots of animals sliding on the ice.…
Ridge Racer Revolution (リッジレーサーレボリューション)
Ridge Racer Revolution (リッジレーサーレボリューション) is the second in the Ridge Racer series on the Playstation.…
F-1 World Grand Prix
F-1 World Grand Prix is a well-received F1 racing game made by Video System. Game is easy to play w…
F1 Race (F1レース)
F1 Race (F1レース) is a car racing game for up to 4 players. It was made by Nintendo. No Japanese need…
Super Monaco GP (スーパーモナコGP)
Super Monaco GP (スーパーモナコGP) is a Game Gear racing game. It was one of the best selling early GG gam…
Victory Run (ビクトリーラン ―栄光の13,000キロ―)
Victory Run (ビクトリーラン ―栄光の13,000キロ― ) Is an endurance car racing game with upgradable and breakable …
MRC Multi Racing Championship (マルチレーシング チャンピオンシップ)
MRC Multi Racing Championship (マルチレーシング チャンピオンシップ) is an arcade racer for the Nintendo 64 by Imagine…
Wave Race 64 (ウエーブレース64)
Wave Race 64 (ウエーブレース64) is still one of the best water based racing games ever made all these years…
Crazy Taxi (クレイジータクシー)
Crazy Taxi (クレイジータクシー) is one of the most arcadey arcade games ever made. Take people to famous lat…
Sonic Drift (ソニック ドリフト) [Japan Exclusive]
Sonic Drift (ソニック ドリフト) is the Japan exclusive first Sonic kart racer. Plays a bit like Mario Kart …
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (グランツーリスモ5 プロローグ)
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (グランツーリスモ5 プロローグ) is the mega-demo of Gran Turismo 5. Actually to call it a…
Road Fighter (ロードファイター)
Road Fighter (ロードファイター) is an action racing game by Konami. Looks a bit like Spy Hunter but plays m…
Daytona USA (デイトナUSA)
Daytona USA (デイトナUSA) is easily one of my favorite racing games. Great music, good car feel. Inter…
Touge: King the Spirits ( 峠キング・ザ・スピリッツ)
Touge: King the Spirits ( 峠キング・ザ・スピリッツ) is a racing game, developed by Cave Co., Ltd. Easily playab…
Sega Rally Championship (セガラリー チャンピオンシップ)
Sega Rally Championship (セガラリー チャンピオンシップ) is the Sega Saturn version of the SEGA arcade racer. One …
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (スターウォーズエピソード1レーサー)
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (スターウォーズエピソード1) is a fun and graphically impressive racer based on the les…
Mach Rider (マッハライダー)
Mach Rider (マッハライダー) is a futuristic driving video game created by Nintendo. It is one of the few ga…
Chocobo Racing: Genkai e no Road (チョコボレーシング 〜幻界へのロード〜)
Chocobo Racing: Genkai e no Road (チョコボレーシング 〜幻界へのロード〜) is a racing game spinoff of the Final Fantasy…
The Everyone's Cart Racing / SIMPLE Wii Series Vol. 1: The Minna de Kart Race (SIMPLE Wiiシリーズ Vol.1 THE みんなでカートレース)
The Everyone's Cart Racing / SIMPLE Wii Series Vol. 1: The Minna de Kart Race (SIMPLE Wiiシリーズ Vol.1 …
THE My Taxi Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 9 (THE マイ・タクシー! SIMPLE2500シリーズポータブル Vol.9)
THE My Taxi Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 9 (THE マイ・タクシー! SIMPLE2500シリーズポータブル Vol.9) is a portabl…
Hresvelgr (フレースヴェルグ)
Hresvelgr (フレースヴェルグ) is a Japan exclusive futuristic racer that is in the vein of wipeout or games l…
Choro Q (チョロQ)
Choro Q (チョロQ) is a cute racing game with boxy little cars (which were popular toys in Japan). You c…
Famicom Grand Prix II 3D Hot Rally (ファミコングランプリII 3Dホットラリー)
As seen in the photo, this is the Disk only. Famicom Grand Prix II 3D Hot Rally (ファミコングランプリII 3Dホ…
SIMPLE 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 13 Kyousou! Tansha King (狂走!単車キング 喝斗美!罵離罵離伝説 SIMPLE2000シリーズUltimate Vol.13)
SIMPLE 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 13 Kyousou! Tansha King (狂走!単車キング 喝斗美!罵離罵離伝説 SIMPLE2000シリーズUltimate…
Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol.48 - The Taxi Untenshu wa Kimi da (THE タクシー -運転手は君だ- SIMPLE 2000シリーズVOL.48)
NOTE: As you can see in the photos, the spine of the game is faded. I have lowered the price because…
Bomberman Kart (ボンバーマンカート) [Hudson The Best]
Bomberman Kart (ボンバーマンカート) is a very cute Bomberman themed Kart racer. Supports up to 4-players. A…
Ridge Racer (リッジレーサーレ)
Ridge Racer (リッジレーサーレ) is the first game in the Ridge Racer series on the Playstation. A classic an…