Puzzle [New arrivals]
Kirby's Block Ball (カービィのブロックボール)
Kirby's Block Ball (カービィのブロックボール) is basically a really cute Kirby themed Breakout/Arkanoid clone. …
Kirby no Pinball (カービィのピンボール)
Kirby no Pinball (カービィのピンボール) is a very fun pinball game with multiple stages, gimmicks and boss bat…
SD Lupin the Third: Kinko Yaburi Daisakusen (SDルパン三世 金庫破り大作戦)
SD Lupin the Third: Kinko Yaburi Daisakusen (SDルパン三世 金庫破り大作戦) is an action puzzle game starring the …
Kururin Pa! (くるりんPA!)
Kururin Pa! (くるりんPA!) is a super fun rope burning, bomb exploding, chain reaction puzzle game. Inter…
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー)
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー) is one of my favorite puzzle games. It's like a mixture of Tetris and a R…
Devil Dice / XI [sai]
XI [sai] is an action dice puzzle game. It is really a lot of fun. Japanese is not needed to play …
SIMPLE DS Series Vol.7 THE Illustration Puzzle & numbers puzzle (SIMPLE DSシリーズ Vol.7 THE イラストパズル & 数字パズル) [Picross and Sudoku]
SIMPLE DS Series Vol.7 THE Illustration Puzzle & numbers puzzle (SIMPLE DSシリーズ Vol.7 THE イラストパズル & 数…