Platformer [Recommended items]
Donkey Kong 2001 (ドンキーコング2001)
Donkey Kong 2001 (ドンキーコング2001) is a really impressive Super Famicom to Game Boy Color port of the or…
Rockman & Forte (ロックマン&フォルテ)
Rockman & Forte (ロックマン&フォルテ) Rockman and Forte was the only Super Famicom Rockman game not brought t…
Super Bonk / Cho Genjin (超原人)
Super Bonk / Cho Genjin (超原人) is the 4th game in the PC Genjin (Bonk) series which had it's first 3 …
Rockman World 2 (ロックマンワールド2)
Rockman World 2 (ロックマンワールド2) is the second Mega Man / Rock Man game for the Game Boy. It's kind of a…
Wario Land 3 (ワリオランド3 不思議なオルゴール)
Wario Land 3 (ワリオランド3 不思議なオルゴール) is a big full gameboy color exclusive Wario Adventure. No Japanese…
Ranma ½ (らんま1/2)
Ranma ½ (らんま1/2) is the first Ranma game on the PC Engine. It is a side scrolling beat em up game w…
Famicom Mini Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Dōchū (がんばれゴエモン!からくり道中) [Mystical Ninja Series]
Famicom Mini Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Dōchū (がんばれゴエモン!からくり道中) [Mystical Ninja Series] is the GBA por…
Hoshi no Kirby 3 (星のカービィ3)
Hoshi no Kirby 3 (星のカービィ3) is a late Super Famicom game (the N64 was long out at this point) but in …
Arumana no Kiseki (アルマナの奇跡)
Arumana no Kiseki (アルマナの奇跡) is a fantastic platform adventure game and a shameless rip-off of Indian…
Metroid (メトロイド) [Boxed]
Metroid (メトロイド) is one of the reasons to own a Disk System. The classic game of Metroid as it was m…
Go! Go! Ackman 2 (ゴーゴーアックマン2)
Go! Go! Ackman 2 (ゴーゴーアックマン2) is the second platform game based off the Akira Toriyama (Dr. Slump, D…
Kirby's Adventure / Hoshi no Kirby: Yume no Izumi no Monogatari (星のカービィ 夢の泉の物語)
Kirby's Adventure / Hoshi no Kirby: Yume no Izumi no Monogatari (星のカービィ 夢の泉の物語) there are a lot of p…
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグII)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグII) is the second portable Sonic game. It is a port of the Sega …
Batman: The Video Game (バットマン)
Batman: The Video Game (バットマン) is golden age Sunsoft Action game. Excellent graphics, music, cut sce…
The Legendary Starfy / Densetsu no Stafī: Taiketsu! Daīru Kaizokudan (伝説のスタフィー たいけつ!ダイール海賊団)
The Legendary Starfy / Densetsu no Stafī: Taiketsu! Daīru Kaizokudan (伝説のスタフィー たいけつ!ダイール海賊団) is the …
Mappy (マッピー)
Mappy (マッピー) is a Namco arcade classic brought to the Famicom in a very nice console port. Protect t…
Armadillo (アルマジロ)
Armadillo (アルマジロ) is a great Famicom game and one of the best not released outside of Japan. It is …
Hoshi no Kirby 64 (星のカービィ64) [Boxed]
Hoshi no Kirby 64 (星のカービィ64) is the only Kirby platformer in the N4. Like all Kirby games, it is fu…
Hoshi no Kirby / Kirby's Dream Land (星のカービィ)
Hoshi no Kirby / Kirby's Dream Land (星のカービィ) Is an action platform game and first ever Kirby game. …
Rockman X2 (ロックマンX2)
Rockman X2 (ロックマンX2) is the second Rockman X game on the Super Famicom and like all Rockman (Mega Ma…
Land of Illusion / Mickey Mouse no Mahou no Crystal (ミッキーマウスの魔法のクリスタル)
Land of Illusion / Mickey Mouse no Mahou no Crystal (ミッキーマウスの魔法のクリスタル) is the second (and rarer) Mic…
Mappy (マッピー)
Mappy (マッピー) is a Namco arcade classic brought to the Game Gear in a very nice color port. Protect …
Super Mario Bros. 2 (スーパーマリオブラザーズ2)
Super Mario Bros. 2 (スーパーマリオブラザーズ2) is (along with Zelda) the killer app for the Famicom Disk System…
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier (夢幻戦士 ヴァリス)
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier (夢幻戦士 ヴァリス) is a platform action game and the first in the beloved series…
Buffers Evolution (バッファーズエボリューション) w/ manual
Buffers Evolution (バッファーズエボリューション) is an action platform game and one of the few inexpensive titles …
Kid Icarus / Hikari Shinwa Palthena no Kagami (光神話 パルテナの鏡)
Kid Icarus / Hikari Shinwa Palthena no Kagami (光神話 パルテナの鏡) is another must-own Famicom Disk System c…
Rockman World 3 (ロックマンワールド3)
Rockman World 3 (ロックマンワールド3) is the 3rd portable Mega Man game. It bases a lot of it's levels and b…
Astro Boy / Mighty Atom (鉄腕アトム)
Mighty Atom (鉄腕アトム) is a challenging side-scrolling action game make by Konami. Never released outsi…
Castlevania 3 / Akumajo Densetsu (悪魔城伝説)
Akumajo Densetsu / Castlevania 3 (悪魔城伝説) is one of the best Famicom games ever made. A side scrolli…
Popeye (ポパイ) [Pulse Cart]
Popeye (ポパイ) was a launch title for the Famicom and a very good port of the Popeye arcade game also …
Super Mario Bros. (スーパーマリオブラザーズ)
Super Mario Bros. (スーパーマリオブラザーズ) is perhaps the most essential Japanese retro game of them all. A c…
Super Mario Bros. 2 (スーパーマリオブラザーズ2) [Boxed]
Super Mario Bros. 2 (スーパーマリオブラザーズ2) is (along with Zelda) the killer app for the Famicom Disk System…