Puzzle [Recommended items]
Puyo Puyo SUN 64 (ぷよぷよSUN64) [Boxed]
Note: The box is in poor condition (see photos). The price has been lowered because of this. Puyo…
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂)
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂) is the first portable entry in the weird wonderful Katam…
Intelligent License (インテリジェント・ライセンス)
Intelligent License (インテリジェント・ライセンス) is a super stylized block moving 3D puzzle game. Rules are pre…
Mawashite Tsunageru Touch Panic (まわしてつなげるタッチパニック)
Mawashite Tsunageru Touch Panic (まわしてつなげるタッチパニック) is a fun "Pipe Dream" type game by Aki (better kno…
Puyo Puyo Fever (ぷよぷよフィーバー)
Puyo Puyo Fever (ぷよぷよフィーバー) is a puzzle game and the first in the new-style Puyo games done by SEGA …
Chain Reaction / Magical Drop (マジカルドロップ)
Magical Drop (マジカルドロップ) is a remake of the first game in the Magical Drop series. They redid it wit…
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker / Advance! Captain Toad / Susume! Kinopio-taichō (進め! キノピオ隊長)
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker / Advance! Captain Toad / Susume! Kinopio-taichō (進め! キノピオ隊長) is a su…
Simple Series Vol. 20 The Puzzle (SIMPLE1500シリーズ Vol.20 THE パズル)
Simple Series Vol. 20 The Puzzle (SIMPLE1500シリーズ Vol.20 THE パズル) is a game that is way weirder than …
Panic Bomber / Tobidase! Panibon (とびだせ!ぱにボン)
Tobidase! Panibon (とびだせ!ぱにボン) is a falling blocks puzzle game for the Virtual Boy featuring Bomberma…
Tsuyoshi Shikkari Shinasai: Taisen Puzzle-dama (ツヨシしっかりしなさい 対戦ぱずるだま)
Tsuyoshi Shikkari Shinasai: Taisen Puzzle-dama (ツヨシしっかりしなさい 対戦ぱずるだま) is a puzzle game using the popu…
Puyo Puyo Fever (ぷよぷよフィーバー)
Puyo Puyo Fever (ぷよぷよフィーバー) is a puzzle game and the first in the new-style Puyo games done by SEGA …
Puyo Puyo 7 (ぷよぷよ7) [Special Price Version]
Puyo Puyo 7 (ぷよぷよ7) is one of the final Japan-Exclusive games in the series. Great title with aweso…
Heisei Tensai Bakabon Susume! Bakabons (平成天才バカボン すすめ! バカボンズ)
Heisei Tensai Bakabon Susume! Bakabons (平成天才バカボン すすめ! バカボンズ) is a really funny puzzle game with ton…
Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary (ぷよぷよ! 15th Anniversary)
Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary (ぷよぷよ! 15th Anniversary) is a special anniversary edition of the classic …
Tetris Plus (テトリスプラス) [2nd Print Cover]
Tetris Plus (テトリスプラス) Jaleco was able to briefly get their hands on the Tetris license and with (in …
Tetris S (テトリスS)
Tetris S (テトリスS) is a Saturn exclusive and also Japan exclusive Tetris variant. It is a good solid …
Mario & Wario (マリオとワリオ)
Mario & Wario (マリオとワリオ) is a side-scrolling puzzle game by Game Freak (Pokemon). It is one of the fe…
Super Puyo Puyo (すーぱーぷよぷよ)
Super Puyo Puyo (すーぱーぷよぷよ) is one of my favorite puzzle games. Simple rules but very complex once y…
Puyo Puyo Fever 2 (Chu!) (ぷよぷよフィーバー2(チュー!))
Puyo Puyo Fever 2 (Chu!) (ぷよぷよフィーバー2(チュー!)) is the 2nd puzzle game in the new-style Puyo series done…
Mole Mania / Moguranya (モグラ〜ニャ)
Mole Mania / Moguranya (モグラ〜ニャ) is a super interesting puzzle game where you can dig holes to bring …
Puyo Puyo 2 / Puyo Puyo Tsuu (ぷよぷよ通) [Boxed]
Puyo Puyo 2 / Puyo Puyo Tsuu (ぷよぷよ通) is the Mega Drive version of one of my favorite puzzle games of…
Puyo Puyo 7 (ぷよぷよ7)
Puyo Puyo 7 (ぷよぷよ7) is the Japan exclusive 7th mainline Puyo Puyo game. Developed by Sonic Team. N…
Tetris DS (テトリスDS)
Tetris DS (テトリスDS) is easily one of the best portable Tetris games. Lots of Nintendo character came…
Mendel Palace / Quinty (クインティ)
Mendel Palace / Quinty (クインティ) is the first game by Game Freak (who would go on to make Pokemon). I…
Hatris (ハットリス) [Boxed]
Hatris (ハットリス) is a puzzle game developed by the creator of Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov. The game is a …
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂) [PSP the best]
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂) is the first portable entry in the weird wonderful Katam…
Donkey Kong '94 / Donkey Kong (ドンキーコング)
Donkey Kong '94 / Donkey Kong (ドンキーコング) was the title made to sell the Super Game Boy accessory for …
Super Puyo Puyo 2 Two 2 Remix (すーぱーぷよぷよ通 リミックス)
Super Puyo Puyo 2 Two 2 Remix (すーぱーぷよぷよ通 リミックス) is basically just Puyo Puyo 2 with a few additional …
Echochrome (無限回廊)
Echochrome (無限回廊) is a puzzle game. Imagine is MC Escher made a videogame. Rotate the camera to ch…
Tetris 2 / Tetris Flash (テトリスフラッシュ) [Boxed]
Tetris 2 / Tetris Flash (テトリスフラッシュ) is a fast paced 1 or 2 player action puzzle game. It was billed…
Shanghai (上海)
Shanghai (上海) is the original tile-matching solitaire game using Mahjong tiles. No Japanese skill i…
Puyo Puyo Fever (ぷよぷよフィーバー)
Puyo Puyo Fever (ぷよぷよフィーバー) is a puzzle game and the first in the new-style Puyo games done by SEGA …
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー) [Boxed]
Note: There is an old price sticker on the box that can't be removed without damaging the box art. …
Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary (ぷよぷよ! 15th Anniversary) [Special Price Version]
Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary (ぷよぷよ! 15th Anniversary) is a special anniversary edition of the classic …
Puyo Puyo 2 / Puyo Puyo Tsuu kettei-ban (ぷよぷよ通 決定盤) w/ full sticker set
Puyo Puyo 2 / Puyo Puyo Tsuu (ぷよぷよ通) is the PS1 port of the classic arcade puzzle game. The 2nd gam…
Puyo Puyo (ぷよぷよ) [Boxed]
Puyo Puyo (ぷよぷよ) is the 2nd most famous puzzle game in Japan (after Tetris) and it is easy to see wh…
Tokimeki Memorial: Taisen Pazurudama (ときめきメモリアル 対戦ぱずるだま)
Tokimeki Memorial: Taisen Pazurudama (ときめきメモリアル 対戦ぱずるだま) is a fun, colorful puzzle game based on the…
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー)
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー) is one of my favorite puzzle games. It's like a mixture of Tetris and a R…
Same Game (さめがめ) w/ Hudson Character Cart
Same Game (さめがめ) is a simple (and fun) puzzle game. It has support of the Satellaview but does not …
Funghi Puzzle Funghi Explosion (THE なめこのパズル -なめこ大繁殖-) [Full English on Cart]
Funghi Puzzle Funghi Explosion (THE なめこのパズル -なめこ大繁殖-) Is a mushroom matching puzzle game that is des…
O-Chan no Oekaki Logic (おーちゃんのお絵かきロジック) [Picross game]
O-Chan no Oekaki Logic (おーちゃんのお絵かきロジック) is a fun picross game for the Playstation made by Sunsoft. L…
Dr. Mario (ドクターマリオ)
Dr. Mario (ドクターマリオ) is the classic pill-popping, virus busing game featuring everyones favorite plum…
Puyo Puyo 2 / Puyo Puyo Tsuu (ぷよぷよ通)
Puyo Puyo 2 / Puyo Puyo Tsuu (ぷよぷよ通) is the Sega Saturn port of the blockbuster competitive puzzle g…
Bomberman World (ボンバーマンワールド)
Bomberman World (ボンバーマンワールド) is the first Bomberman game for the Sony Playstation. 2D game with 3Dis…
Puyo Puyo Sun Ketteiban / Expert (ぷよぷよSUN決定版)
Puyo Puyo Sun Ketteiban / Expert (ぷよぷよSUN決定版) is the PS1 version of the 3rd installment of the popul…
Puzzle Bobble 2 [The Best Version] (パズルボブル2 ベスト)
Puzzle Bobble 2 [The Best Version] (パズルボブル2 ベスト) is the "Greatest Hits" re-release of the classic bu…
V Tetris (Vテトリス) [Boxed]
V Tetris (Vテトリス) is a Japan exclusive Tetris game by Bullet Proof Software (makers of the famous Gam…
Quarth (クォース)
Quarth (クォース) is a game I never played as a kid and just discovered a few years ago. Now it is one …
Kururin Pa! (くるりんPA!)
Kururin Pa! (くるりんPA!) is a super fun rope burning, bomb exploding, chain reaction puzzle game. Inter…
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo!! (美少女戦士セーラームーンS こんどはパズルでおしおきよ!)
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo!! (美少女戦士セーラームーンS こんどはパズルでおしおきよ!) is a s…
Puyo Puyo 2 (ぷよぷよ通)
Puyo Puyo GG (ぷよぷよGG) is the Game Gear version of the compile hit puzzle game Puyo Puyo. A very nic…
Hello Kitty Magical Museum (ハローキティのマジカルミュージアム)
Hello Kitty Magical Museum (ハローキティのマジカルミュージアム) is actually more fun than a licensed Hello Kitty gam…
Kirby's Sparkling Kids / Kirby no Kira Kira Kids (カービィのきらきらきっず)
Kirby's Sparkling Kids / Kirby no Kira Kira Kids (カービィのきらきらきっず) is a falling blocks puzzle game feat…
Dr. Mario (ドクターマリオ)
Dr. Mario (ドクターマリオ) is the classic pill-popping, virus busing game featuring everyones favorite plum…
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー)
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー) is one of my favorite puzzle games. It's like a mixture of Tetris and a R…
Puyo Puyo SUN 64 (ぷよぷよSUN64)
Puyo Puyo SUN 64 (ぷよぷよSUN64) is the first of 2 Puyo Puyo games on the N64. Puyo Puyo games are alwa…
Yoshi no Tamago (ヨッシーのたまご)
Yoshi no Tamago (ヨッシーのたまご) is a fun stacking/matching puzzle game. It is the first appearance of Yos…
Mario's Super Picross (マリオのスーパーピクロス)
Mario's Super Picross (マリオのスーパーピクロス) was never released outside of Japan which is a pity since it is…
Mario's Picross (マリオのピクロス)
Mario's Picross (マリオのピクロス) is one of my favorite Game boy games and more than that, one of my favori…
Pocket Puyo Puyo 2 (ぽけっとぷよぷよ通)
Puyo Puyo 2 (ぽけっとぷよぷよ通) is the Game Boy version of the second Puyo Puyo game. Absolutely frantic ga…