Weird [Recommended items]
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂)
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂) is the first portable entry in the weird wonderful Katam…
Katamari Damacy Tribute (塊魂TRIBUTE)
Katamari Damacy Tribute (塊魂TRIBUTE) is the (as of this writing) final Katamori Damacy console game. …
We ♥️ Katamari / Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy (みんな大好き塊魂)
We ♥️ Katamari / Minna Daisuki Katamari Damacy (みんな大好き塊魂) is the 2nd game in the Katamori Damacy ser…
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂) [PSP the best]
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂) is the first portable entry in the weird wonderful Katam…
Takeshi no Chōsenjō (たけしの挑戦状)
Takeshi no Chōsenjō (たけしの挑戦状) is easily one of the most bizarre games from the 8 bit era and one of …
Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (燃えろ!熱血リズム魂 押忍!闘え!応援団2)
Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (燃えろ!熱血リズム魂 押忍!闘え!応援団2) is, in my opinion, …
Sawaru Made in Wario (さわるメイド イン ワリオ)
Sawaru Made in Wario (さわるメイド イン ワリオ) is a super fun collection of crazy weird microgames. You can …
Rhythm Tengoku Gold (リズム天国ゴールド)
Rhythm Tengoku Gold (リズム天国ゴールド) is a fantastic zany music and Rhythm game. Over 50 music based mini-…
Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 17: Battle Bomb Poi Poi (対戦! 爆弾ポイポイ SIMPLE2000シリーズUltimate Vol.17)
Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 17: Battle Bomb Poi Poi (対戦! 爆弾ポイポイ SIMPLE2000シリーズUltimate Vol.17) …
Samba de Amigo (サンバDEアミーゴ)
Samba de Amigo (サンバDEアミーゴ) is easily one of my favorite Dreamcast games and also my favorite music g…
Katamari Damacy (塊魂)
Katamari Damacy (塊魂) is the original "roll crap into a ball" game. Wacky and wonderful. Can be pla…
Takeshi no Chōsenjō (たけしの挑戦状) [Boxed]
Takeshi no Chōsenjō (たけしの挑戦状) is easily one of the most bizarre games from the 8 bit era and one of …
Conception: Please Give Birth to My Child! / Conception: Ore no Kodomo o Undekure! (CONCEPTION 俺の子供を産んでくれ!)
Conception: Please Give Birth to My Child! / Conception: Ore no Kodomo o Undekure! (CONCEPTION 俺の子供を…
Ultrabox (ウルトラボックス) [18+]
Ultrabox (ウルトラボックス) is the first installment of the crazy, weird, CD-ROM "Magazine" for the PC Engin…
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (押忍!闘え!応援団)
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (押忍!闘え!応援団) is easily one of my favorite DS games. It's so weird and wacky an…
Jet Grind Radio / Jet Set Radio (ジェット セット ラジオ)
Jet Grind Radio / Jet Set Radio (ジェット セット ラジオ) is one of the coolest games every made. It's a cell …
Samba de Amigo: Ver. 2000 (サンバDEアミーゴ Ver.2000)
Samba de Amigo: Ver. 2000 (サンバDEアミーゴ Ver.2000) is an updated version of Samba De Amigo with more son…
Game Boy Camera / Pocket Camera (ポケットカメラ) [YELLOW]
Game Boy Camera / Pocket Camera (ポケットカメラ) is a digital camera for your gameboy. Beyond just taking …
Alabama: Pop de Cute na Shinri Test (ポップでキュートな心理テストAlabama)
Alabama: Pop de Cute na Shinri Test (ポップでキュートな心理テストAlabama) is a freaking weird game. Full of weste…
Space Venus Starring Morning Musume (スペースヴィーナス starring モーニング娘)
Many would say Space Venus Starring Morning Musume (スペースヴィーナス starring モーニング娘) is a bad game. Those…
Funky Head Boxers (ファンキーヘッドボクサーズ)
Funky Head Boxers (ファンキーヘッドボクサーズ) is a wacky, messed-up and super fun boxing game. It's also pretty…
Rhythm Tengoku (リズム天国) [Boxed]
Rhythm Tengoku (リズム天国) is the final GBA game developed by Nintendo. And it is a very fitting end fo…
Captain Rainbow (キャプテン レインボー)
Captain Rainbow (キャプテン レインボー) is the quest to restore popularity. Guide a washed up super-hero with…
Rhyme Rider Kerorican (ライムライダー・ケロリカン)
Rhyme Rider Kerorican (ライムライダー・ケロリカン) is one of my favorite Wonderswan games. it is a music/rhythm g…
Switch (スイッチ)
Switch (スイッチ) is weird. Take a second and look at the image of the back of the game case. Yes, tha…
Rhyme Rider Kerorican (ライムライダー・ケロリカン) [Boxed]
Rhyme Rider Kerorican (ライムライダー・ケロリカン) is one of my favorite Wonderswan games. it is a music/rhythm g…
Game Boy Camera / Pocket Camera (ポケットカメラ) [GREEN]
Game Boy Camera / Pocket Camera (ポケットカメラ) is a digital camera for your gameboy. Beyond just taking …
Game Boy Camera / Pocket Camera (ポケットカメラ) [RED]
Game Boy Camera / Pocket Camera (ポケットカメラ) is a digital camera for your gameboy. Beyond just taking …