Arcade [Recommended items]
Chain Reaction / Magical Drop (マジカルドロップ)
Magical Drop (マジカルドロップ) is a remake of the first game in the Magical Drop series. They redid it wit…
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late (アンダーナイトインヴァースエクセレイト)
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late (アンダーナイトインヴァースエクセレイト)Is a fighting game in the vein of Blazblue but wi…
Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes OOO (仮面ライダー クライマックスヒーローズ オーズ)
Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes OOO (仮面ライダー クライマックスヒーローズ オーズ) is a 3D fighting game based on the long run…
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (マーヴル VS. カプコン 3 フェイト オブ トゥー ワールド)
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (マーヴル VS. カプコン 3 フェイト オブ トゥー ワールド) is the long awaited 3rd i…
Soul Calibur II (ソウルキャリバーII)
Soul Calibur II (ソウルキャリバーII) is a sequel to the arcade classic. It also improves on it in many ways…
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (スーパーストリートファイターIV アーケードエディション)
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (スーパーストリートファイターIV アーケードエディション) is the 2nd expanded version of…
Tekken 6 (鉄拳6)
Tekken 6 (鉄拳6) is the first HD installment of the venerable 3D fighting series Tekken. Looks and pl…
Balloon Fight (バルーンファイト)
Balloon Fight (バルーンファイト) is an arcade game similar to Joust programmed by the legendary Satoru Iwata…
Dead or Alive 5 (デッド オア アライブ 5)
Dead or Alive 5 (デッド オア アライブ 5) is the 5th fighting (as opposed to volleyball) installment of the De…
Super Street Fighter IV (スーパーストリートファイター IV)
Super Street Fighter IV (スーパーストリートファイター IV) is the expanded version of SF4 with new fighters and mod…
Donkey Kong 3 (ドンキーコング3) [Pulse cart]
Donkey Kong 3 (ドンキーコング3) is the third Donkey Kong game and a big departure for the series. Mario is…
Nuts & Milk (ナッツ&ミルク)
Nuts & Milk (ナッツ&ミルク) is (according to wiki) the very first 3rd party game on the Famicom. It never…
Commando / Senjou no Ookami (戦場の狼)
Commando / Senjou no Ookami (戦場の狼) is a top down scrolling run and gun game made by Capcom. Based o…
Star Soldier (スターソルジャー)
Star Soldier (スターソルジャー) is one of the all-time classic vertical shooters for the Famicom. Highly in…
SPACE INVADERS -ANNIVERSARY- (ペースインベーダー アニバーサリー)
SPACE INVADERS -ANNIVERSARY- (ペースインベーダー アニバーサリー) is a fantastic collection of early Space invaders g…
Excite Truck (エキサイト トラック)
Excite Truck (エキサイト トラック) is unironically one of my favorite games on the Wii and probably the game …
Exed Exes (エグゼドエグゼス)
Exed Exes (エグゼドエグゼス) is a vertical space shooter for the Famicom. It can be easily played without kn…
Super Street Fighter II (スーパーストリートファイターII)
Super Street Fighter II (スーパーストリートファイターII) is the final Super Famicom installment of the Street Figh…
Jackal / Final command Akai Yousai (ファイナルコマンド 赤い要塞) [Disk Only]
Jackal / Final command Akai Yousai (ファイナルコマンド 赤い要塞) is the Famicom Disk System version of the arcade…
QIX (クイックス)
QIX (クイックス) is a port made by Nintendo (featuring Mario) of the original Taito arcade classic. It i…
Omega Boost (オメガブースト)
Omega Boost (オメガブースト) is a shooter developed by Polyphony Digital (Gran Turismo) along with members …
Dr. Mario (ドクターマリオ)
Dr. Mario (ドクターマリオ) is the classic pill-popping, virus busing game featuring everyones favorite plum…
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー)
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー) is one of my favorite puzzle games. It's like a mixture of Tetris and a R…
Street Fighter 2 Turbo (ストリート ファイターII ターボ)
Street Fighter 2 Turbo (ストリート ファイターII ターボ) is a classic. It is the Super Famicom version of Street …
Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Dōchū (がんばれゴエモン!からくり道中) [Mystical Ninja Series] /manual
Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Dōchū (がんばれゴエモン!からくり道中) is the first action/adventure title in the main ser…
Virtua Cop 2 (バーチャコップ2)
Virtua Cop 2 (バーチャコップ2) is the Sega Saturn port of the classic arcade light gun game. Major improve…
Virtua Tennis / Power Smash (パワースマッシュ)
Virtua Tennis / Power Smash (パワースマッシュ) is not only one of the best Tennis games ever made but it is …
Crazy Taxi (クレイジータクシー)
Crazy Taxi (クレイジータクシー) is one of the most arcadey arcade games ever made. Take people to famous lat…
Daytona USA (デイトナUSA)
Daytona USA (デイトナUSA) is easily one of my favorite racing games. Great music, good car feel. Inter…
Fighters Megamix (ファイターズ メガミックス)
Fighters Megamix (ファイターズ メガミックス) is the most amazing 3D mash up fighter ever made. The cast of Virt…
Dead or Alive (デッドオアアライブ)
Dead or Alive (デッドオアアライブ) is the first game in the stylish, sexy, Dead or Alive series. This is the …
Sega Rally Championship (セガラリー チャンピオンシップ)
Sega Rally Championship (セガラリー チャンピオンシップ) is the Sega Saturn version of the SEGA arcade racer. One …
Dead or Alive 3 (デッドオアアライブ3)
Dead or Alive 3 (デッドオアアライブ3) is an Xbox exclusive fighting game with fast action, sexy girls and mus…
Soul Calibur II (ソウルキャリバーII)
Soul Calibur II (ソウルキャリバーII) is a sequel to the arcade classic. It also improves on it in many ways…
Soul Calibur (ソウルキャリバー)
Soul Calibur (ソウルキャリバー) is one of the finest weapon based fighters ever made and one of the few arca…
Popeye (ポパイ) [Pulse Cart]
Popeye (ポパイ) was a launch title for the Famicom and a very good port of the Popeye arcade game also …
The Invaders / Space Invaders (SIMPLE1500シリーズ #9 THEインベーダー)
The Invaders / Space Invaders (SIMPLE1500シリーズ #9 THEインベーダー) is much ore than a simple port of the ar…
Street Fighter 2 (ストリート ファイターII) [Boxed]
Street Fighter 2 (ストリート ファイターII) is once of the most influential games of all time. Not only did it…
Quarth (クォース) [Boxed]
Quarth (クォース) is a game I often saw but never played as a kid. I finally tried it a few years ago. …
Nemesis (ネメシス)
Nemesis (ネメシス) is a horizontal shooter in the Gradius series. Great graphics and music. No Japanes…
Door Door (ドアドア)
Door Door (ドアドア) is a classic arcade style platform game for the Famicom. Made by Enix and Chun Sof…
Pac-Man (パックマン)
Pac-Man (パックマン) is one of the most popular and influential arcade games ever made. This is the very …
Space Invaders (スペースインベーダー)
Space Invaders (スペースインベーダー) is the Famicom port of the shooting game that jumpstarted the entire Jap…
Galaxian (ギャラクシアン)
Galaxian (ギャラクシアン) is a Japan exclusive Famicom port of the worldwide arcade smash hit that put Namc…
Hono no Toukyuji: Dodge Danpei (炎の闘球児 ドッジ弾平) [Boxed]
Hono no Toukyuji: Dodge Danpei (炎の闘球児 ドッジ弾平) is a super fun dodgeball game based on the anime of the…
Ghouls 'n Ghosts / Dai Makaimura (大魔界村) [Boxed] [No Manual]
Ghouls 'n Ghosts / Dai Makaimura (大魔界村) is an excellent port of an excellent (and very challenging) …
BurgerTime (バーガータイム)
BurgerTime (バーガータイム) is easily one of my favorite arcade platforms and in fact one of my favorite ga…
Ice Climber (アイスクライマー)
Ice Climber (アイスクライマー) is an early Nintendo vertical platform game. In the US is was far overshadow…
Mario Bros. (マリオブラザーズ)
Mario Bros. (マリオブラザーズ) is the original Mario Bros. game and the first appearance of Luigi, pipes, tu…
Nazo no Kabe: Block-kuzushi (謎の壁 ブロックくずし) [Disk only]
Nazo no Kabe: Block-kuzushi (謎の壁 ブロックくずし) is a breakout clone similar to Arkanoid but weirder. Enim…
Flappy (フラッピー)
Flappy (フラッピー) is a puzzle platform game. Reminds me a bit of games like Lolo. Despite needed no J…
Wrecking Crew (レッキングクルー)
Wrecking Crew (レッキングクルー) is a puzzle platform game starring Mario (in one of his forgotten appearanc…
Gradius II (グラディウスII)
Gradius II (グラディウスII) is easily one of the best shooters on the Famicom. Amazing graphics and music…
Don Doko Don (ドンドコドン)
Don Doko Don (ドンドコドン) is a platform action game. It reminds me of games like Bubble Bobble or Chip …
Salamander (沙羅曼蛇)
Salamander (沙羅曼蛇) is easily one of my favorite Famicom shooters. Great graphics, a fun 2 player mod…
Nazo no Kabe: Block-kuzushi (謎の壁 ブロックくずし)
Nazo no Kabe: Block-kuzushi (謎の壁 ブロックくずし) is a breakout clone similar to Arkanoid but weirder. Enim…
Galaga (ギャラガ)
Galaga (ギャラガ) is a sequel to the arcade hit Galaxian which itself was an attenpt to rip off Space In…
Star Force (スターフォース)
Star Force (スターフォース) is a classic shooter. I would compare it to something like Star Solider. I ha…
Buster Bros. / Pomping World (ポンピングワールド)
Buster Bros. / Pomping World (ポンピングワールド) is an exciting bubble popping arcade game. Lots of fun pow…
Dragon Spirit (ドラゴンスピリット)
Dragon Spirit (ドラゴンスピリット) is a Dragon based vertical shooter. Is plays similar to Xevious in that yo…