Action [Recommended items]
Panzer Dragoon (パンツァードラグーン)
Panzer Dragoon (パンツァードラグーン) is one of the must-have Sega Saturn games and a classic among rail-shoot…
Rockman World 3 (ロックマンワールド3)
Rockman World 3 (ロックマンワールド3) is the 3rd portable Mega Man game. It bases a lot of it's levels and b…
Sonic Adventure (ソニックアドベンチャー)
Sonic Adventure (ソニックアドベンチャー) is the premier 3D platform game for the Sega Dreamcast. This is the J…
Astro Boy / Mighty Atom (鉄腕アトム)
Mighty Atom (鉄腕アトム) is a challenging side-scrolling action game make by Konami. Never released outsi…
Panzer Dragoon Zwei (パンツァードラグーン ツヴァイ)
Panzer Dragoon Zwei (パンツァードラグーン ツヴァイ) is easily one of the best rail shooters and best Saturn games …
Castlevania 3 / Akumajo Densetsu (悪魔城伝説)
Akumajo Densetsu / Castlevania 3 (悪魔城伝説) is one of the best Famicom games ever made. A side scrolli…
Bomberman GB 2 (ボンバーマンGB2)
Bomberman GB 2 (ボンバーマンGB2) is the 2nd Gameboy Bomberman game (Third if you count BomberBoy). Many e…
Flappy Special (フラッピースペシャル)
Flappy Special (フラッピースペシャル) Yes, the game is called Flappy and yes, it is about a bird. But is it N…
Go! Go! Ackman (ゴーゴーアックマン)
Go! Go! Ackman (ゴーゴーアックマン) is an action maze game where you collect souls and cause mischief. Based…
Shikigami no Shiro (式神の城)
Shikigami no Shiro (式神の城) is a 2001 shoot 'em up developed by Alfa System and is the first game in t…
The Invaders / Space Invaders (SIMPLE1500シリーズ #9 THEインベーダー)
The Invaders / Space Invaders (SIMPLE1500シリーズ #9 THEインベーダー) is much ore than a simple port of the ar…
Insector X (インセクターX)
Insector X (インセクターX) is a bug-based side-scrolling shooter by Taito. Great shooter. The Famicom ver…
Sin and Punishment (罪と罰 〜地球の継承者〜)
Sin and Punishment (罪と罰 〜地球の継承者〜) is a fantastic rail shooter from Treasure (Guardian Heroes, Ikurag…
Saturn Bomberman (サターンボンバーマン) [SegaSaturn Collection Version]
Saturn Bomberman (サターンボンバーマン) is not only my favorite Bomberman game but it is also one of my favori…
Super Mario Bros. 2 (スーパーマリオブラザーズ2) [Bonus game "Tennis" on side B]
Super Mario Bros. 2 (スーパーマリオブラザーズ2) is (along with Zelda) the killer app for the Famicom Disk System…
Super Mario Bros. 2 (スーパーマリオブラザーズ2) [Boxed]
Super Mario Bros. 2 (スーパーマリオブラザーズ2) is (along with Zelda) the killer app for the Famicom Disk System…