Arcade [Recommended items]
Buster Bros. / Pomping World (ポンピングワールド)
Buster Bros. / Pomping World (ポンピングワールド) is an exciting bubble popping arcade game. Lots of fun pow…
Dragon Spirit (ドラゴンスピリット)
Dragon Spirit (ドラゴンスピリット) is a Dragon based vertical shooter. Is plays similar to Xevious in that yo…
TwinBee (ツインビー)
TwinBee (ツインビー) is a classic vertical shooter. It is one of the first of the "cute 'em up" genre du…
Tiger-Heli (タイガー・ヘリ)
Tiger-Heli (タイガー・ヘリ) is a vertical helicopter shooter. Praised for its graphics and gameplay on its…
Metal Slug X SNK Best Collection (メタルスラッグX SNK BEST COLLECTION)
Metal Slug X is the PS1 port of one of the best run and gun arcade games ever made. Can be played w…
NBA Jam (NBAジャム)
Note: there is damage to the back of this cart. It plays perfectly but the price has been lowered. …
Superman (スーパーマン)
Superman (スーパーマン) is an action platform game based on the superman series. Specifically the first S…
Rygar / Argus no Senshi (アルゴスの戦士)
Rygar / Argus no Senshi (アルゴスの戦士) is a sidescrolling platform game where you use a unique shield on …
Operation Wolf (オペレーションウルフ)
Operation Wolf (オペレーションウルフ) is a single player light-gun shooter where you escape from an enemy camp…
Kung-fu / Spartan X (スパルタンX)
Kung-fu / Spartan X (スパルタンX) is one of the Famicom's most beloved titles and one of my favorite game…
Space Harrier (スペースハリアー)
Space Harrier (スペースハリアー) Is a PC Engine port of the SEGA arcade classic. Non-stop action. Great fu…
Quarth (クォース)
Quarth (クォース) is a game I often saw but never played as a kid. I finally tried it a few years ago. …
Daytona USA Circuit Edition (デイトナUSA サーキット エディション)
Daytona USA Circuit Edition (デイトナUSA サーキット エディション) is the definitive Saturn version of the arcade c…
After Burner (アフターバーナー)
After Burner (アフターバーナー) is an ambitious port by Sunsoft of the Yu Suzuki arcade rail shooter origina…
Donkey Kong Jr. (ドンキーコングJR) [Pulse cart]
Donkey Kong Jr. (ドンキーコングJR) is the 2nd game in the Donkey Kong series and the first where a Kong is …
Blade Eagle (ブレードイーグル)
Blade Eagle (ブレードイーグル) is a vertical shooter that makes use of both the 3-D Glasses and FM Sound Uni…
Super Street Fighter II (スーパーストリートファイターII) [Boxed]
Super Street Fighter II (スーパーストリートファイターII) is the final Super Famicom installment of the Street Figh…
Ghosts 'n Goblins / Makaimura for WonderSwan (魔界村 for WonderSwan)
Ghosts 'n Goblins / Makaimura for WonderSwan (魔界村 for WonderSwan) is a new entry in the series. It …
Mario Bros. (マリオブラザーズ) [Pulse Cart]
Mario Bros. (マリオブラザーズ) is the original Mario Bros. game and the first appearance of Luigi, pipes, tu…
Space Harrier Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 4 (スペースハリアー SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.4)
Space Harrier Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 4 (スペースハリアー SEGA AGES 2500 シリーズ Vol.4) is a PS2 remake of t…
Sega Ages After Burner II (SEGA AGES アフターバーナーII)
Sega Ages After Burner II (SEGA AGES アフターバーナーII) it the fantastic Sega Saturn port of the arcade cla…
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes (タツノコ VS. CAPCOM CROSS GENERATION OF HEROES)
Note: The manual and case are a bit beat up (check the photos) the game plays fine but the price has…
Donkey Kong (ドンキーコング) [Pulse cart]
Donkey Kong (ドンキーコング) is the first Donkey Kong game and also the first appearance of Mario. This is…
Hector'87 (ヘクター'87)
Hector'87 (ヘクター'87) is a Hudson vertical shooting game for the Famicom. The game has both forward an…
The House of the Dead 2 (ザ・ハウス・オブ・ザ・デッド 2)
The House of the Dead 2 (ザ・ハウス・オブ・ザ・デッド 2) is the Dreamcast sequel to the arcade classic light gun s…
Super Star Force: Jikūreki no Himitsu (スーパースターフォース 時空暦の秘密)
Super Star Force: Jikūreki no Himitsu (スーパースターフォース 時空暦の秘密) is the Japan-Only sequel to the classic s…
Thunder Storm FX (サンダーストームFX)
Thunder Storm (サンダーストーム) is an FMV shooter (port from a LaserDisc arcade game) with an amazing 80's …
Caravan Shooting Collection (キャラバンシューティングコレクション)
Caravan Shooting Collection (キャラバンシューティングコレクション) is a compilation of 3 arcade shooting classics. S…
Flipull (フリップル)
Flipull (フリップル) [Called "Plotting" in some regions] is a very fun, though sadly largely forgotten, a…
Double Dragon (ダブルドラゴン)
Double Dragon (ダブルドラゴン) is a very competent port of the NES Double Dragon game (which itself was a m…
Alien Syndrome (エイリアンシンドローム)
Alien Syndrome (エイリアンシンドローム) is a classic top-down run and gun shooter made by Sega. The game suppo…
Image Fight (イメージファイト)
Image Fight (イメージファイト) is a famous vertical shooter from Irem (makers of R-Type). Excellent gamepla…
Parodius Da! (パロディウスだ!)
Parodius Da! (パロディウスだ!) is a shooter that is a parody of other shooters. Especially Gradius. Even th…
Mappy (マッピー)
Mappy (マッピー) is a Namco arcade classic brought to the Famicom in a very nice console port. Protect t…
Land of Illusion / Mickey Mouse no Mahou no Crystal (ミッキーマウスの魔法のクリスタル)
Land of Illusion / Mickey Mouse no Mahou no Crystal (ミッキーマウスの魔法のクリスタル) is the second (and rarer) Mic…
Mappy (マッピー)
Mappy (マッピー) is a Namco arcade classic brought to the Game Gear in a very nice color port. Protect …
Magical Drop II (マジカルドロップ2)
Magical Drop II (マジカルドロップ2) is the second fantastic game in the Magical Drop series. This Saturn po…
The House of the Dead (ザ・ハウス・オブ・ザ・デッド)
The House of the Dead (ザ・ハウス・オブ・ザ・デッド) is one of the best Saturn and best light gun games ever made.…
Ganbare Goemon 2 (がんばれゴエモン2) [Mystical Ninja Series]
Ganbare Goemon 2 (がんばれゴエモン2) is the second action/adventure title in the main series of Ganbare Goem…
Popeye (ポパイ) [Pulse Cart]
Popeye (ポパイ) was a launch title for the Famicom and a very good port of the Popeye arcade game also …
Shikigami no Shiro (式神の城)
Shikigami no Shiro (式神の城) is a 2001 shoot 'em up developed by Alfa System and is the first game in t…