Action [Recommended items]
Dead Rising 2 (デッドライジング2)
Dead Rising 2 (デッドライジング2) is an action survival horror game and a sequel to the original smash hit. …
Vanquish (ヴァンキッシュ)
Vanquish (ヴァンキッシュ) is a fantastic futuristic 3rd person shooter that never got the love it needed on…
Doraemon Meikyu Daisakusen (ドラえもん迷宮大作戦) [HuCard Only]
Doraemon Meikyu Daisakusen (ドラえもん迷宮大作戦) is a trap 'em up maze game featuring the characters and musi…
Rockman Zero (ロックマンゼロ)
Rockman Zero (ロックマンゼロ) is the first game in the Zero series for GBA. It can be easily played withou…
Vanquish (ヴァンキッシュ) [full English version is on the disc]
Vanquish (ヴァンキッシュ) is a fantastic futuristic 3rd person shooter that never got the love it needed on…
Lode Runner (ロードランナー)
Lode Runner (ロードランナー) is the SG-1000 port of the classic PC platformer/Trap 'em Up. No Japanese nee…
Gekitotsu Yonku Battle (激突四駆バトル)
Gekitotsu Yonku Battle (激突四駆バトル) is a really fun vehicular combat game by Irem. Never released outs…
Galaxian 3 (ギャラクシアン3)
Galaxian 3 (ギャラクシアン 3) is a fantastic rail shooter that is a port and also reimagining of the immers…
Tower of Babel (バベルの塔)
Tower of Babel (バベルの塔) is an action puzzle game. You need to move blocks around to make staircases a…
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts / Cho Makaimura (超魔界村)
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts / Cho Makaimura (超魔界村) is a brutally difficult horror platformer. This versi…
Fate/Tiger Colosseum Upper (フェイト / タイガーころしあむ アッパー)
Fate/Tiger Colosseum Upper (フェイト / タイガーころしあむ アッパー) is a 3D fighting games based on the Fate/stay nig…
Takahashi Meijin no Bug-tte Honey (高橋名人のBugってハニー)
Takahashi Meijin no Bug-tte Honey (高橋名人のBugってハニー) is a spin-off of the Adventure Island series where…
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂) [PSP the best]
Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy (僕の私の塊魂) is the first portable entry in the weird wonderful Katam…
Donkey Kong '94 / Donkey Kong (ドンキーコング)
Donkey Kong '94 / Donkey Kong (ドンキーコング) was the title made to sell the Super Game Boy accessory for …
Bonk's Adventure/ GB Genjin (GB原人)
Bonk's Adventure/ GB Genjin (GB原人) is the first Bonk game on the Game Boy. Not a straight port of t…
Yoshi's Island / Super Mario: Yossy Island (スーパーマリオ ヨッシーアイランド)
Yoshi's Island / Super Mario: Yossy Island (スーパーマリオ ヨッシーアイランド) is the beloved sequel to Super Mario …
Point Blank 2 / Gunbarl (ガンバァール)
Point Blank 2 / Gunbarl (ガンバァール) the 2nd game in the weird and wonderful light gun series. Wide vari…
Point Blank / Gun Bullet (ガンバレット)
Point Blank / Gun Bullet (ガンバレット) is a wacky light-gun game where you do a number of different crazy…
Mister Mosquito / Ka (蚊)
Mister Mosquito / Ka (蚊) is a super weird game. you are a Mosquito and must drink enough blood from…
10-Yard Fight (10ヤードファイト) with working LED light
Note: This is the 1st edition of this game and has an LED light that turns on when it is put in your…
The Goonies (グーニーズ) [Japan exclusive 1st game]
The Goonies (グーニーズ) is a beloved Famicom games based on the beloved American movie of the same name.…
Kamen Rider Battride War Premium TV Sound Edition (仮面ライダー バトライド・ウォー プレミアムTVサウンドエディション)
Kamen Rider Battride War Premium TV Sound Edition (仮面ライダー バトライド・ウォー プレミアムTVサウンドエディション) is a hack and…
Wagan Land (ワギャンランド)
Wagan Land (ワギャンランド) is an adorable Japan exclusive platform game. You play as a cute robot dinosaur…
Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes Fourze (仮面ライダー クライマックスヒーローズ フォーゼ)
Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes Fourze (仮面ライダー クライマックスヒーローズ フォーゼ) is a 3D fighter. This game has fighter…
Commando / Senjou no Ookami (戦場の狼)
Commando / Senjou no Ookami (戦場の狼) is a top down scrolling run and gun game made by Capcom. Based o…
Kirby Super Star / Hoshi no Kirby Super Deluxe (星のカービィスーパーデラックス)
Kirby Super Star / Hoshi no Kirby Super Deluxe (星のカービィスーパーデラックス) is a collection of several Kirby ga…
Super Mario World (スーパーマリオワールド)
Super Mario World (スーパーマリオワールド) was a launch title for the Super Famicom system and has remained one…
Takeshi no Chōsenjō (たけしの挑戦状)
Takeshi no Chōsenjō (たけしの挑戦状) is easily one of the most bizarre games from the 8 bit era and one of …
Super Bonk 2 / Super Genjin 2 (超原人 2) [Japan Exclusive]
Super Bonk 2 / Super Genjin 2 (超原人 2) is a Japan exclusive sequel to Super Bonk. It is really unfor…
Mega Man 5 / Rockman 5: Blues no Wana!? (ロックマン5 ブルースの罠!?)
Mega Man 5 / Rockman 5: Blues no Wana!? (ロックマン5 ブルースの罠!?) is the 5th Famicom installment of the Mega…
Ninja Hattori-kun (忍者ハットリくん)
Mention platformers to a Japanese gamer who lived through the Famicom years and they will likely men…
Mega Man 3 / Rockman 3: Dr. Wily no Saigo!? (ロックマン3 Dr.ワイリーの最期!?)
Mega Man 3 / Rockman 3: Dr. Wily no Saigo!? (ロックマン3 Dr.ワイリーの最期!?) is the 3rd game in the Rockman ser…
Bomberman (ボンバーマン)
Bomberman (ボンバーマン) Bomberman is the first HuCard Bomberman and a ton of fun both in single and multi…
Super Mario Bros. 3 (スーパーマリオブラザーズ3) [Boxed]
Super Mario Bros. 3 (スーパーマリオブラザーズ3) is not only one of the best Famicom games ever made but is also …
One Piece Grand Battle: Swan Colosseum (ワンピース グランドバトル!スワンコロシアム)
One Piece Grand Battle: Swan Colosseum (ワンピース グランドバトル!スワンコロシアム) is the most import friendly of all t…
Mappy-Land (マッピーランド)
Mappy-Land (マッピーランド) I have so many fond memories of playing this sequel to the original classic Ma…
Super Bomberman 2 (スーパーボンバーマン2)
Super Bomberman 2 (スーパーボンバーマン2) is a fantastic party game. Classic Bomberman gameplay, great music,…
No More Heroes (ノーモア★ヒーローズ)
No More Heroes (ノーモア★ヒーローズ) is the fantastic hack and slash action game with a lovable otaku anti-he…
Gradius (グラディウス)
Gradius (グラディウス) is the grandaddy of all the side scrolling power-up shooters. A classic and must o…
Popeye no Eigo Asobi (ポパイの英語遊び) [Pulse Cart]
Popeye no Eigo Asobi (ポパイの英語遊び) is possibly the least common of the original pulse carts (at least i…
Excite Truck (エキサイト トラック)
Excite Truck (エキサイト トラック) is unironically one of my favorite games on the Wii and probably the game …
Exed Exes (エグゼドエグゼス)
Exed Exes (エグゼドエグゼス) is a vertical space shooter for the Famicom. It can be easily played without kn…
Bomberman GB 3 (ボンバーマンGB3)
Bomberman GB 3 (ボンバーマンGB3) is the final Bomberman game in the GB series. Excellent portable Bomberm…
Rockman Zero 3 (ロックマンゼロ3)
Rockman Zero 3 (ロックマンゼロ3) is the third game in the Zero series for GBA. Well regarded action game. …
The Legend of Starfy 2 / Densetsu no Stafy 2 (伝説のスタフィー2)
The Legend of Starfy 2 / Densetsu no Stafy 2 (伝説のスタフィー2) is the second Japan exclusive platform game…
Super Mario Kart (スーパーマリオカート)
Super Mario Kart (スーパーマリオカート) is the brilliant cart racing game that basically ushered in a new genr…
Super Mario All-Stars / Super Mario Collection (スーパーマリオコレクション)
Super Mario All-Stars / Super Mario Collection (スーパーマリオコレクション) is a compilation of 4 16-bit remakes …
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (スーパーマリオランド3 ワリオランド)
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (スーパーマリオランド3 ワリオランド) is the 3rd Super Mario game for the Game Boy and…
Super Mario 64 Shindō Pak Taiō Version (スーパーマリオ64 振動パック対応バージョン)
Super Mario 64 Shindō Pak Taiō Version (スーパーマリオ64 振動パック対応バージョン) if you have an N64 you probably alre…
Donkey Kong Country / Super Donkey Kong (スーパードンキーコング)
Donkey Kong Country / Super Donkey Kong (スーパードンキーコング) Is a classic game that needs to be in every Re…
Donkey Kong 3 (ドンキーコング3) [Pulse cart]
Donkey Kong 3 (ドンキーコング3) is the third Donkey Kong game and a big departure for the series. Mario is…
Bayonetta (ベヨネッタ)
Bayonetta (ベヨネッタ) is one of the most fun stylish action games. One of very few titles to get a Perf…
Rez (レズ)
Rez (レズ) is one of the most unique and entertaining games of 2001. It's a shooter like Panzer Drago…
Nights: Journey of Dreams (ナイツ〜星降る夜の物語〜)
Nights: Journey of Dreams (ナイツ〜星降る夜の物語〜) is a sequel to the Sega Saturn classic Nights Into Dreams. …
Bomberman World (ボンバーマンワールド)
Bomberman World (ボンバーマンワールド) is the first Bomberman game for the Sony Playstation. 2D game with 3Dis…
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest / Super Donkey Kong 2 (スーパードンキーコング 2 ディクシー&ディディ)
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest / Super Donkey Kong 2 (スーパードンキーコング 2 ディクシー&ディディ) Is the se…
Rockman 7: Shukumei no Taiketsu! (ロックマン7 宿命の対決!)
Rockman 7: Shukumei no Taiketsu! (ロックマン7 宿命の対決!) is the first numbered Rockman game to appear on the…
Famicom Mini Super Mario Bros. (ファミコンミニ スーパーマリオブラザーズ)
Famicom Mini Super Mario Bros. (ファミコンミニ スーパーマリオブラザーズ) is the GBA version of possibly the most iconic…
Ninja Gaiden (Ninja 外伝)
Ninja Gaiden (Ninja 外伝) is an action adventure game and one of the most successful reimaginings of a…
One Piece Grand Battle! (ワンピース グランドバトル!) [Smash/Powerstone-like fighter]
One Piece Grand Battle! (ワンピース グランドバトル!) is a 3D brawler that reminds me of games like Smash Brother…