Puzzle [Recommended items]
Puyo Puyo 4 / Puyo Puyo~n (ぷよぷよ〜ん)
Puyo Puyo 4 / Puyo Puyo~n (ぷよぷよ〜ん) is the final mainline Puyo Puyo game developed by Compile. Darke…
Saturn Bomberman (サターンボンバーマン)
Saturn Bomberman (サターンボンバーマン) is not only my favorite Bomberman game but it is also one of my favori…
Gunpey (グンペイ) [Boxed]
Gunpey (グンペイ) is an excellent line-connecting Wonderswan puzzle game. The game was named as a tribut…
Futari no Fantavision (ふたりのファンタビジョン)
Futari no Fantavision (ふたりのファンタビジョン) is a Japan exclusive sequel to the original fireworks controlli…
Tetris Battle Gaiden (テトリス武闘外伝)
Tetris Battle Gaiden (テトリス武闘外伝) is easily one of my favorite Tetris variants. Fun story mode, vibran…
Panic in Nakayoshi World (パニック イン なかよしワールド)
Panic in Nakayoshi World (パニック イン なかよしワールド) is a top-down action puzzle game mash-up game featuring …
Popoitto Station Hebereke (ポポイっとへべれけ)
Popoitto Station Hebereke (ポポイっとへべれけ) is a puzzle game in Sunsoft's popular Hebereke series. Plays …
Buile Baku (ビルバク)
Buile Baku (ビルバク) is a building demolition puzzle game. Set up the dynamite and set it off to take …
Wario's Woods / Wario no Mori (ワリオの森)
Wario's Woods / Wario no Mori (ワリオの森) is a late release puzzle game for the Famicom. Really interes…
Puzzle Bobble 3 DX [The Best Version] (パズルボブル3 DX)
Puzzle Bobble 3 DX (パズルボブル3 DX) is the deluxe version of the 3rd Taito Puzzle Bobble game. This ver…
Hello Kitty Picross / Hello Kitty Illustration Puzzle (ハローキティ SIMPLE 1500シリーズ02 イラストパズル)
Hello Kitty Picross / Hello Kitty Illustration Puzzle (ハローキティ SIMPLE 1500シリーズ02 イラストパズル) is a Picros…
Kollon (ころん)
Kollon (ころん) is an obscure but super fun block matching puzzle game. Where the game really shines i…
Devil Dice Jumbo / XI [sai] JUMBO (サイジャンボ)
XI [sai] JUMBO (サイジャンボ) is the Japan-exclusive sequel to Xi (Devil Dice). Lots of new levels and mo…
Shanghai II (上海II)
Shanghai II (上海II) tile-matching solitaire game using Mahjong tiles. The game is great and offers a…
Puzzle Bobble 3 (パズルボブル3)
Puzzle Bobble 3 (パズルボブル3) is the 3rd Taito Puzzle Bobble game. Lots pf new things to do. Game can b…
Quarth (クォース)
Quarth (クォース) is a game I often saw but never played as a kid. I finally tried it a few years ago. …
Pocket Puyo Puyo 2 (ぽけっとぷよぷよ通) [Boxed]
Puyo Puyo 2 (ぽけっとぷよぷよ通) is the Game Boy version of the second Puyo Puyo game. Absolutely frantic ga…
Dr. Mario (ドクターマリオ) [Boxed]
Note: There is no inner plastic tray. Please check photos before buying. Dr. Mario (ドクターマリオ) is …
Puzzle Bobble 3 DX (パズルボブル3 DX)
Puzzle Bobble 3 DX (パズルボブル3 DX) is the deluxe version of the 3rd Taito Puzzle Bobble game. This ver…
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo!! (美少女戦士セーラームーンS こんどはパズルでおしおきよ!) [Boxed]
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo!! (美少女戦士セーラームーンS こんどはパズルでおしおきよ!) is a s…
Puyo Puyo 2 / Puyo Puyo Tsuu Sega Saturn Collection (ぷよぷよ通 サタコレ)
Puyo Puyo 2 / Puyo Puyo Tsuu (ぷよぷよ通) is the Sega Saturn port of the blockbuster competitive puzzle g…
Kuru Kuru Kururin (くるくるくるりん)
Is a fun action-puzzle game where you maneuver a stick around increasingly challenging levels. You …
Shanghai (上海) [Boxed]
Shanghai (上海) is the original tile-matching solitaire game using Mahjong tiles. No Japanese skill i…
Puzzle Bobble (パズルボブル)
Puzzle Bobble (パズルボブル) is a great port of the super fun Bubble Bobble spin-off puzzle game. Plays i…
Flash Koibito-Kun (FLASH 恋人クン)
So you are dumped by your girlfriend. Devastated. So what do you do? You go to the temple of the …
Gunpey (グンペイ)
Gunpey (グンペイ) is an excellent line-connecting Wonderswan puzzle game. The game was named as a tribut…
Koro Koro Puzzle Happy Panechu! (コロコロパズル ハッピィパネッチュ!)
Koro Koro Puzzle Happy Panechu! (コロコロパズル ハッピィパネッチュ!) is a Nintendo produced Puzzle game that sadly n…
Flopon the Space Mutant P / Trip'D P / Uchuu Seibutsu Flopon-kun P! (宇宙生物フロポン君P!)
Flopon the Space Mutant P / Trip'D P / Uchuu Seibutsu Flopon-kun P! (宇宙生物フロポン君P!) is a very fun and …
Yoshi's Panel de Pon / Yoshi no Panepon (ヨッシーのパネポン) [BOXED]
Yoshi's Panel de Pon / Yoshi no Panepon (ヨッシーのパネポン) came out in the US as "Tetris Attack" despite ha…
Magnetica / Shunkan Puzzloop (瞬感パズループ)
Magnetica / Shunkan Puzzloop (瞬感パズループ) is a puzzle game made by Nintendo that many people have forgo…
Tetris DX (テトリスDX)
Tetris DX (テトリスDX) is the Game Boy Color (though it will play on any Game Boy) follow up to the clas…
Tetris 2 / Tetris Flash (テトリスフラッシュ) [Boxed]
Tetris 2 / Tetris Flash (テトリスフラッシュ) is an addictive Tetris variant it was considered good enough to…
Columns GB: Osamu Tezuka Characters (コラムスGB 〜手塚治虫キャラクターズ〜)
Columns GB: Osamu Tezuka Characters (コラムスGB 〜手塚治虫キャラクターズ〜) is a Game Boy port of the classic puzzle …
Puyo Puyo 7 (ぷよぷよ7)
Puyo Puyo 7 (ぷよぷよ7) is one of the final Japan-Exclusive games in the series. Great title with aweso…
Binary Land (バイナリィランド)
Binary Land (バイナリィランド) is a fun action puzzle geme where you control 2 penguins at the same time and…
Pokémon Puzzle Challenge / Pokemon de Panepon (ポケモンでパネポン)
Pokémon Puzzle Challenge / Pokemon de Panepon (ポケモンでパネポン) is a Pokemon skinned version of the fantas…
Puzzle Bobble GB (パズルボブルGB)
Puzzle Bobble GB (パズルボブルGB) is the portable version of the arcade puzzle classic. Recreated very we…
Puyo Puyo (ぷよぷよ) [Boxed]
Puyo Puyo (ぷよぷよ) all games in this series are a lot of fun. This is the first one for the original …
Picross DS (ピクロスDS)
Picross DS (ピクロスDS) is the first touch screen entry in the Nintendo Picross series. Lots of great p…
Mario's Picross 2 (マリオのピクロス2) [Japan Exclusive]
Mario's Picross 2 (マリオのピクロス2) is the Japan exclusive sequel to the super addictive Mario's Picross. …
Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (スーパー上海 ドラゴンズアイ)
Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (スーパー上海 ドラゴンズアイ) is the first mahjong solitaire game in the Shanghai ser…
Tamago De Puzzle (たまごDEパズル)
Tamago De Puzzle (たまごDEパズル) is a super fun puzzle game made by Sony. Really high production values.…
GUNPEY (グンペイ)
GUNPEY (グンペイ) is in my opinion one of the most underrated puzzle games. It's a line connecting puzz…
Oto o Tsunagou! Gunpey Reverse (音をつなごう!グンペイりば〜す)
Oto o Tsunagou! Gunpey Reverse (音をつなごう!グンペイりば〜す) is the DS version of the puzzle game named after it…
Baku Baku Animal (ばくばくアニマル)
Baku Baku Animal (ばくばくアニマル) is one of the best original puzzle games on the Saturn. Feed the animal…
Super Puyo Puyo (すーぱーぷよぷよ) [Boxed]
Super Puyo Puyo (すーぱーぷよぷよ) is one of my favorite puzzle games. Simple rules but very complex once y…
Meikyuu Jiin Dababa (迷宮寺院ダババ) [Boxed]
Meikyuu Jiin Dababa (迷宮寺院ダババ) is one of the best games on the Famicom Disk System than never got por…
Tetris 2 / Tetris Flash (テトリスフラッシュ)
Tetris 2 / Tetris Flash (テトリスフラッシュ) is an addictive Tetris variant it was considered good enough to…
Afro Ken the Puzzle Simple Character 2000 (アフロ犬 THE パズル SIMPLE キャラクター2000)
Afro Ken the Puzzle Simple Character 2000 (アフロ犬 THE パズル SIMPLE キャラクター2000) is a fun color matching p…
Panic Bomber / Tobidase! Panibon (とびだせ!ぱにボン) [Boxed]
Tobidase! Panibon (とびだせ!ぱにボン) is a falling blocks puzzle game for the Virtual Boy featuring Bomberma…
Magical Tetris Challenge Featuring Mickey (マジカルテトリスチャレンジ)
Magical Tetris Challenge Featuring Mickey (マジカルテトリスチャレンジ) is a fun Disneyfied version of the classic…
Columns (コラムス)
Columns (コラムス) is Sega's answer to Tetris. A signature (and very fun) falling blocks puzzle game. …
Hong Kong - Famimaga Disk Vol. 1 (ファミマガDisk Vol.1 香港) [Boxed]
Hong Kong - Famimaga Disk Vol. 1 (ファミマガDisk Vol.1 香港) is the fist of the Famimaga series of Disk Sys…
Shanghai III (上海III) [Boxed]
Shanghai III (上海III) basically every Shanghai game on any platform is a lot of fun because the base …
Shanghai III (上海III)
Shanghai III (上海III) basically every Shanghai game on any platform is a lot of fun because the base …
Tetris (テトリス)
Tetris (テトリス) if you had a Game Boy as a hit, you probably had this game. And you probably put 100s…
Pocket Puyo Puyo SUN (ぽけっとぷよぷよSUN)
Pocket Puyo Puyo SUN (ぽけっとぷよぷよSUN) is the first Puyo Puyo game to support the Game Boy Color (works …
Tetris Plus (テトリスプラス)
Tetris Plus (テトリスプラス) Jaleco was able to briefly get their hands on the Tetris license and with (in …
Puyo Puyo (ぷよぷよ)
Puyo Puyo (ぷよぷよ) all games in this series are a lot of fun. This is the first one for the original …
Yoshi's Panel de Pon / Yoshi no Panepon (ヨッシーのパネポン)
Yoshi's Panel de Pon / Yoshi no Panepon (ヨッシーのパネポン) came out in the US as "Tetris Attack" despite ha…