Puzzle [Recommended items]
Pocket Puyo Puyo 2 (ぽけっとぷよぷよ通)
Puyo Puyo 2 (ぽけっとぷよぷよ通) is the Game Boy version of the second Puyo Puyo game. Absolutely frantic ga…
Yoshi no Tamago (ヨッシーのたまご)
Yoshi no Tamago (ヨッシーのたまご) is a fun stacking/matching puzzle game. It is the first appearance of Yo…
Flopon the Space Mutant / Trip'D (宇宙生物フロポン君)
Flopon the Space Mutants / Trip'D (宇宙生物フロポン君) is a puzzle game by Kenji Eno and the cult game compan…
Puyo Puyo Sun / ぷよぷよSUN(サン) w/ Glow-in-the-Dark Stickers
Puyo Puyo Sun / ぷよぷよSUN(サン) is a happy colorful entry in the Puyo Puyo series of puzzle games. The …
Baku Baku Animal [Satakore Series] (ばくばくアニマル サタコレシリーズ)
Baku Baku Animal (ばくばくアニマル) is one of the best original puzzle games on the Saturn. Feed the animal…
Sakura Wars: Hanagumi Taisen Columns (花組対戦コラムス)
Sakura Wars: Hanagumi Taisen Columns (花組対戦コラムス) is my favorite version of the match 3 puzzle game Co…
The Next Tetris
The Next Tetris Is a Tetris variant that has the original game and also new modes including cascade …
Panic Bomber World (ぱにっくボンバーワールド)
Panic Bomber World (ぱにっくボンバーワールド) is a falling blocks game with bombs. Match and explode to make co…
IQ Intelligent Qube / Intelligent Cube (IQ インテリジェントキューブ)
IQ Intelligent Cube (IQ インテリジェントキューブ) is an action 3D platform puzzle game. Japanese is not needed …
Devil Dice / XI [sai]
XI [sai] is an action dice puzzle game. It is really a lot of fun. Japanese is not needed to play …
Hatris (ハットリス)
Hatris (ハットリス) is a puzzle game developed by the creator of Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov. The game is a …
Super Puyo Puyo 2 (すーぱーぷよぷよ2)
Super Puyo Puyo 2 (すーぱーぷよぷよ2) is the Super Famicom version of the classic game, Puyo Puyo 2. Excell…
Quarth (クォース) [Boxed]
Quarth (クォース) is a game I often saw but never played as a kid. I finally tried it a few years ago. …
Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss Limited Edition (スーパーテトリス2+BOMBLISS限定版) [Boxed]
Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss Limited Edition (スーパーテトリス2+BOMBLISS限定版) is an explosive combination of a S…
Kururin Paradise (くるりんパラダイス)
Kururin Paradise (くるりんパラダイス) Is the 2nd GBA game in Nintendo's action-puzzle series where you maneuv…
Panel de Pon (パネルでポン) [Boxed]
Panel de Pon (パネルでポン) is one of the best puzzle games on the Super Famicom and that is saying someth…
Yoshi no Tamago (ヨッシーのたまご) [Boxed]
Yoshi no Tamago (ヨッシーのたまご) is a fun stacking/matching puzzle game. It is the first appearance of Yo…
SuperLite1500 Series Oekaki Puzzle (SuperLite1500シリーズ お絵かきパズル) [Picross game]
SuperLite1500 Series Oekaki Puzzle (SuperLite1500シリーズ お絵かきパズル) is a simple picross-style game for th…
Koro Koro Puzzle Happy Panechu! (コロコロパズル ハッピィパネッチュ!) [Boxed]
Note: Please check the condition of the box before ordering it is far from mint. Koro Koro Puzzle…
KLAX (クラックス)
"It is the 90's and there is time for KLAX" KLAX (クラックス) is an action puzzle game and a port of t…
Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 12: Puyo Puyo Tsuu Perfect Set (SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.12 ぷよぷよ通パーフェクトセット)
Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 12: Puyo Puyo Tsuu Perfect Set (SEGA AGES 2500シリーズ Vol.12 ぷよぷよ通パーフェクトセット)…
Mr. Driller (ミスタードリラー)
Mr. Driller (ミスタードリラー) is an action puzzle game similar to Dig Dug (in fact early in development thi…
Puyo Puyo Fever (ぷよぷよフィーバー)
Puyo Puyo Fever (ぷよぷよフィーバー) is a super addicting puzzle game. The first portable Puyo in the new ar…
Panel de Pon (パネルでポン)
Panel de Pon (パネルでポン) is a touch-based variation of the classic Nintendo puzzle game. This version …
Super Puyo Puyo 2 (すーぱーぷよぷよ2) [Boxed]
Super Puyo Puyo 2 (すーぱーぷよぷよ2) is the Super Famicom version of the classic game, Puyo Puyo 2. Excell…
Puzzle Bobble 64 (パズルボブル64)
Puzzle Bobble 64 (パズルボブル64) is an excellent puzzle game for the N64. Basically an excellent port of…
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem! (マリオvs.ドンキーコング 突撃!ミニランド)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem! (マリオvs.ドンキーコング 突撃!ミニランド) is the 3rd retail (and 4th overall…
V Tetris (Vテトリス)
V Tetris (Vテトリス) is a Japan exclusive Tetris game by Bullet Proof Software (makers of the famous Gam…
Panel de Pon (パネルでポン)
Panel de Pon (パネルでポン) is one of the best puzzle games on the Super Famicom and that is saying someth…
Snoopy no Hajimete no Otsukai (スヌーピーのはじめてのおつかい)
Snoopy no Hajimete no Otsukai (スヌーピーのはじめてのおつかい) is a Japan exclusive puzzle game. It reminds me a b…
Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary (ぷよぷよ! 20th Anniversary) [Special Price Version]
Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary (ぷよぷよ! 20th Anniversary) is a special anniversary edition of the classic …
Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss Limited Edition (スーパーテトリス2+BOMBLISS限定版)
Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss Limited Edition (スーパーテトリス2+BOMBLISS限定版) is an explosive combination of a S…
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: The Great Mini Mini March (マリオVSドンキーコング2 ミニミニ大行進!)
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: The Great Mini Mini March (マリオVSドンキーコング2 ミニミニ大行進!) is the 2nd game in the M…
Mario's Super Picross (マリオのスーパーピクロス) [Boxed]
Note: The box is in poor condition (see photos). The price has been lowered because of this. Mari…
Minna de Puyo Puyo (みんなでぷよぷよ)
Minna de Puyo Puyo (みんなでぷよぷよ) is a really interesting turning point game in the Puyo Puyo series. I…
Mickey Mouse 2 (ミッキーマウスII )
Mickey Mouse 2 (ミッキーマウスII ) is part of the fantastic Crazy Castle series of puzzle platformers. Due…
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー) [Boxed]
NOTE: This box has signs of wear, so please look at the condition before buying. Yoshi's Cookie …
Mario's Picross (マリオのピクロス) [Boxed]
NOTE: This box is quite worn, so please look at the condition before buying. Mario's Picross (マリ…
Tetris Plus (テトリスプラス) [1st Print Cover]
Tetris Plus (テトリスプラス) Jaleco was able to briefly get their hands on the Tetris license and with (in …
Picross 3D / Rittai Picross (立体ピクロス)
Picross 3D / Rittai Picross (立体ピクロス) is, as the name implies, a 3D version of the typically 2D logic…
Panic Bomber World (ぱにっくボンバーワールド) [Boxed]
Panic Bomber World (ぱにっくボンバーワールド) is a falling blocks game with bombs. Match and explode to make co…
Mr. Driller (ミスタードリラー)
Mr. Driller (ミスタードリラー) is an action puzzle game similar to Dig Dug (in fact early in development thi…
Mickey Mouse (ミッキーマウス)
Mickey Mouse (ミッキーマウス) is a Japan exclusive Mickey Mouse puzzle platform game. It could not be rel…
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー)
Yoshi's Cookie (ヨッシーのクッキー) is one of my favorite puzzle games. It's like a mixture of Tetris and a R…
Mario & Wario (マリオとワリオ) [Boxed]
Mario & Wario (マリオとワリオ) is a side-scrolling puzzle game by Game Freak (Pokemon). It is one of the fe…
Tetris 2 + Bombliss (テトリス2+Bombliss) [Boxed]
Tetris 2 + Bombliss (テトリス2+Bombliss) Is two game in one. Tetris 2 is a much better Famicom Tetris…
Chalvo 55 (チャルボ55)
Chalvo 55 (チャルボ55) is a totally unique GB platform puzzle game. You are a robot who can transform i…
Nazo no Kabe: Block-kuzushi (謎の壁 ブロックくずし) [Disk only]
Nazo no Kabe: Block-kuzushi (謎の壁 ブロックくずし) is a breakout clone similar to Arkanoid but weirder. Enim…
Tetris 2 / Tetris Flash (テトリスフラッシュ)
Tetris 2 / Tetris Flash (テトリスフラッシュ) is a fast paced 1 or 2 player action puzzle game. It was billed…
Nazo Puyo 2 (なぞぷよ2)
Nazo Puyo 2 (なぞぷよ2) is a spin-off to the Puyo Puyo series. Instead of an endless stream of falling …
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S: Kurukkurin (美少女戦士セーラームーンS: くるっくりん)
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S: Kurukkurin (美少女戦士セーラームーンS: くるっくりん) Is a super cute, colorful Sailor Mo…
Pokémon Trozei! / Pokemon Trozei! (ポケモントローゼ)
Pokémon Trozei! (ポケモントローゼ) is a really fun puzzle game that reminds me a lot of titles like Zookeepe…
Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary (ぷよぷよ! -15th Anniversary-)
Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary (ぷよぷよ! -15th Anniversary-) is yet another Japan exclusive Puyo Puyo game…
Puyo Puyo Sun Ketteiban / Expert (ぷよぷよSUN 決定盤(セガ) [2003 SEGA version]
Puyo Puyo Sun Ketteiban / Expert (ぷよぷよSUN決定版) is the PS1 version of the 3rd installment of the popul…
Nazo no Kabe: Block-kuzushi (謎の壁 ブロックくずし)
Nazo no Kabe: Block-kuzushi (謎の壁 ブロックくずし) is a breakout clone similar to Arkanoid but weirder. Enim…
Bomberman 2 / Bomberman II (ボンバーマンII)
Bomberman 2 / Bomberman II (ボンバーマンII) took the formula established in the first Famicom Bomberman an…
Gorby no Pipeline Daisakusen (ゴルビーのパイプライン大作戦)
Gorby no Pipeline Daisakusen (ゴルビーのパイプライン大作戦) is a super interesting and very fun puzzle game by Puy…
Konami Rampart (ランパート) [Different from the NES version]
Konami Rampart (ランパート) is a classic Atari arcade game that combines puzzle pieces and shooting comba…
Saturn Bomberman Fight!! (サターンボンバーマン ファイト!!)
Saturn Bomberman Fight!! (サターンボンバーマン ファイト!!) is a super unique and fun multiplayer game. It is a 3D…
Bomberman (ボンバーマン)
Bomberman (ボンバーマン) is the original classic action puzzle game. This is the start of an epic long ru…